suave (affable or persuasive in manner), soothing, non-irritating. sound like it. "Mrs. Reed murmured sotto voce before gathering up her work and abruptly leaving the apartment.". apaziguante acalmar aliviar calmo. n. His head swiveled around. 4. — Nouns for soothing: effect, voice words, influence, tone, balm, sound, music . What is another word for Nice-sounding? laid-back voice. Chatter: quick, extensive, and/or aimless talk; to talk in . exhausted voice. lenitivo rilassante calmante emolliente benefico rassicurante distensivo rasserenante sollievo dolce riposante piacevole tranquillizzante suadente addolcente. Examples. Here are that number of synonyms and idiomatic phrases for the verb help: 1. Synonyms and Antonyms form an important part of competitive exams. Stir 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt into an 8-ounce glass of warm water. Another word for euphonious: pleasing to the ear | Collins English Thesaurus 2 tr to relieve or assuage (pain, longing, etc.) lethargic voice. happy voice. smooth voice. reassuring, more. heavy voice. gentle voice. The origin of "Heart touching" The etymology of the idiomatic expression "heart touching" is to some extent undetermined.It is often used interchangeably with the phrase "heartwarming".Looking back in history, the word "touched"began to be used in a figurative sense in the 16th century.Even so, the closest guess suggests that the phrase can be traced back to the early . Sleepy voice Synonyms. Parts of speech. Sleepy replaced; hypnotic voice. b. ointment. Another word for melodious: tuneful and melodic | Collins English Thesaurus silvery . +100 languages and money-back guarantee. From Gutenberg to Google: The History of Our Future Tom Wheeler (3.5/5) . weary voice. comfort and assuagement. a girl with a dark, quiet voice - English Only forum A grave God-fearing man, a quiet sedate nature, the judge was solemn as . if your voice is wobbly, it goes up and down, usually because you are frightened, not confident, or are going to cry. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Good luck:-) Definition of bland. C. Soothing and Placid. cool voice. ['ˈbɑːm, ˈbɑːlm'] semisolid preparation (usually containing a medicine) applied externally as a remedy or for soothing an irritation. 4) Clear: A clear sound is one that is easy to hear and understand, with no distortion or noise. Synonyms. APA: Classic Thesaurus. similar to it. Cajole: to persuade with soothing or flattering remarks 13-14. [1590-1600] sooth′ing•ly, adv. — Use soothing in a sentence. Synonyms. slow voice. Definitions for Sleepy (adjective) desiring or needing sleep Synonyms for voice include power of speech, powers of articulation, vocal cords, voice box, vocal bands, vocal folds, vocal processes, Adam's apple, larynx and pharynx. Other translations. dull voice. Words for Soothing (adjectives related to drowsy). A moment of quietude. I have come from the End of the World. relaxar. You can jump right to this page by putting a "!" at the end of your search assuagement anything soothing or healing. Gargle warm salt water. Another word for commotion. dreamy and indistinct. Melodious. If you'd like to take a little piece of heaven . Stay strong! Read Paper. Download Download PDF. euphonious: 1 adj having a pleasant sound "a euphonious trill of silver laughter" Synonyms: euphonous golden suggestive of gold silvern , silvery resembling or reminiscent of silver Antonyms: cacophonic , cacophonous having an unpleasant sound cackly , squawky like the cackles or squawks a hen makes especially after laying an egg croaky , . sweet . quietude: A state of stillness, calmness, and quiet in a person or place. Advise: to recommend or warn. heavy voice. lifeless voice. cerate. overview; . Synonyms for Soothing agent.Retrieved September 25, 2021, from Synonyms. Sweet-sounding. Part of speech: modifier adjective verb noun restful (related) Restorative; aiding rest. ♦ soothingly adv. indistinct dreamlike. 4 letter words 11 Full PDFs related to this paper. tired voice. Honeyed sweet; sugary; syrupy; pleasing to the senses; sweet and rich in smell or taste; soft and soothing (especially tone of voice that is intended to please). Synonyms for Soothing (other words and phrases for Soothing). You are never alone! Azeddin Zed. steady voice. I will have been soothing: you will have been soothing: he/she/it will have been soothing: we will have been soothing: you will have been soothing: they will have . Hook a catchy motif, melody or chorus; a means of attracting attention or interest. easy voice. Quick!" The place they were in had changed. Search for synonyms and antonyms. His voice was gentle as he instructed her. Why water has soothing effect on body . Hymn a song or ode of praise, adoration or joy or thanksgiving to deity or God. . clear voice. soothing definition: 1. making you feel calm: 2. making something less painful: 3. making you feel calm: . - English Only forum soothing voice. Anger is an energy. Here are 10 words of encouragement you may try using. 2. Grandpa s sudden quietness was disconcerting. Find another word for soothing. tranquillity. She grabs it with both hands, fiercely and intensely, and t… Noun, singular or mass Talk to the bird in a low and soothing voice while it is on your gauntlet. You are a really strong person. & v. & n. soporific, feeling, gentle. repose: A state of rest, sleep, or tranquillity. euphonious: 1 adj having a pleasant sound "a euphonious trill of silver laughter" Synonyms: euphonous golden suggestive of gold silvern , silvery resembling or reminiscent of silver Antonyms: cacophonic , cacophonous having an unpleasant sound cackly , squawky like the cackles or squawks a hen makes especially after laying an egg croaky , . We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Not Katara. soothing voice voice placid voice . Pre-vetted freelance voice actors. The synonyms and related words of "Soothing" are: assuasive, relaxing, restful, quiet, calm, reassuring, tranquil, peaceful, placid, reposeful, tranquillizing . 3 DELL YOUTH LEARNING clear voice. euphonious . Antonym — Cacophonous. Soothe definition, to tranquilize or calm, as a person or the feelings; relieve, comfort, or refresh: soothing someone's anger; to soothe someone with a hot drink. easy voice. . intangible unreal. Serene voice Synonyms. 55.17, nlt] The prophet Jeremiah writes, "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I . noun. BLANDISHMENT: A flattering speech or act - attracted people by his blandishments. Classic Thesaurus. 2. singular the right or opportunity to express your opinions and influence what happens. 2. Chat: an idle or inconsequential conversation; to engage in such talk 18. Talk to Me: How Voice Computing Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Think James Vlahos (4/5) Free. 3. gentle voice. to cruelly tease in a mocking or insulting manner. Click an icon or search Calmsound at your favorite store to find our official releases. Their masking effects are also helpful for people suffering with tinnitus. indistinctly. Causerie: see chat (noun only) 16. tired voice. Calm folks are able to give off such a soothing energy because they're, well, calm. here's another word from Jesus. Help! You totally can get through this. rating alphabet syllables length. 4. English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels. 2.7M words 79M synonyms 4.2M antonyms. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. I know you'll get through this. It's a noun. 1. restful: Having a quiet and soothing quality. euphonic . Definitions for Sleepy (adjective) desiring or needing sleep . to give a formal statement; to give an account of. "Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice." [Ps. Not Aang. He couldn't see the source of the voice. quiet voice. quiet voice. unction. Definition A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Commonly used words are shown in bold. Soothing definition, that soothes: a soothing voice. Collocations (words that often go together) for Soothing and Placid. . 1. gauntlet . Find 15 ways to say SOOTHING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples . Tuneful. The Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms . BLEMISH (verb): To scar or spoil - Bad associates blemished his character; (noun): A disfigurement, defect - a character without a blemish. 3) Crisp: A crisp sound is one that is clean and clear, with a sharp edge. ♦ soothingness n. You can soothe a sore and irritated throat with warm salt water. 4 seconds in and 8 seconds out). laid-back voice. n. calm voice. Antonyms: piquant, tart, racy, caustic, acrid, pungent. in subdued tones. Serene replaced; calm voice. bright voice. 1. soothing: 1 adj affording physical relief "a soothing ointment for her sunburn" Synonyms: comfortable , comfy providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy' is informal) adj freeing from fear and anxiety Synonyms: assuasive reassuring restoring confidence and relieving anxiety dreamy voice. Thanking Shivakumar Karthik Bhat for the query — > What could be the synonyms for "beautiful voice"? The Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms . In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. See synonyms at smell. n. sweet voice. - English Only forum a history of quiet positive work - English Only forum a man often quiet/ an often quiet man - English Only forum A mouse is quiet - English Only forum a nice<and quiet>place. 53. to make a brief, casual statement of an opinion. barely audible. nice-sounding and euphonic. A young girl, a slave in the South, is presented with a moment where she can grasp for freedom, for change, for life. boring voice. nice-sounding and soothing. happy voice. calmante relaxante suave reconfortante suavizante tranquilizante tranquilo tranquilizador alívio apaziguador. soothing voice. bright voice. 1 tr to make calm or tranquil. Quotes about gauntlet . Search terrible singing voice and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. dopey voice. A quality that can be perceived by the olfactory sense: the aroma of garlic and onions. unclearly. lethargic voice. soft voice. 'The secretary kept her voice gentle and calm, attempting to soothe the distressed mother.' 'He soothed her with comforting words and finished the task.' 'At any rate, after about an hour calming him down and soothing him, we made some effort to get him back to sleep.' 'The sound of his heartbeat soothed me, calming me down.' What part of speech is the word commotion? dreamy voice. I'm here for you always and I believe in you. comfort and condolence. placid voice. n. gentle voice. Candidates frequently face questions related to synonyms and antonyms in the English language section of various Government exams such as SSC, RRB, Bank, IBPS and more. alamere falls parking / vogler funeral home obituaries . Cajolery/cajolement: talk with the intent to persuade 15. . Breathe out for longer than your breathe in (e.g. dreamy and intangible. See more. vb. Synonyms for 'heart-wrenching': sad, unhappy, depressing, miserable, painful, terrible, dismal, heartbreaking, upsetting, tragic, affecting To calm or placate . She spent a . Accommodate: to offer something, especially to help meet a need or want. Soothing. You can complete the list of synonyms of terrible singing voice given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. Suggest . Exhaling fully activates our body's relaxation response, which is calming and soothing. dreamy and otherworldly. I have purposefully selected words that » calming adj. to say again; to restate. Peace stole over Palanthas, sleep soothed away fear. Home; Voice over; 4.7 "Bunny Studio's the icing on the cake in scaling our business!" . weary voice. 1. All Free. Translation of "soothing" in Italian. placid voice. Use of Advance: to speed up the development of an initiative or cause. condolence consolation. Meditation Relax Music Channel presents a Relaxing Stress Relief Music Video with beautiful nature and calm Music for Meditation, deep sleep, music therapy. nice-sounding and sweet. Reach out any time, day or night. Use filters to view other words, we have 1096 synonyms for dreamy. The best 141 synonyms for gentle, including: soothing, tender, tenderhearted, amiable, delicate, lenient, noble, moderate, calm, benign, sensitive and more. Soothing the Savage Beast Monday, December 30, 2019. consolante. lifeless voice. to answer; to say in response. in muted tones. The nation reposed its confidence in the King. Rare words are dimmed. Synonyms for CALMING: comforting, dreamy, lulling, narcotic, pacifying, quieting, relaxing, sedative; Antonyms for CALMING: agitating, discomposing, disquieting . soothing voice synonyms. a. Use "descriptive words" a lot? A distinctive, intangible quality; an aura: the aroma of success. to recall. Synonyms for SOOTHING: calming, comforting, dreamy, lulling, narcotic, pacifying, quieting, relaxing; Antonyms for SOOTHING: abrasive, caustic, coarse, hard, harsh . nonchalant voice. have a voice (in something): Parents should have a voice in any changes to the school curriculum. give voice to something (=express something publicly): soothing voice. Definitions for Serene (adjective) free from disturbing noise or uproar soothing voice synonyms. Rich. noun. zinc ointment. Filter synonyms by Letter. dreamy and divine. If nothing is found, then alternative search will try to find the terms that: start with searched query. The LIGHT (from Cup of Cold Water) . boring voice. adjective. Breathe deeply from the abdomen (belly). Sweet. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. to annoy or pester; vex. Another word for Soothing? Present an activity that will have students thinking about synonyms. Abet: to actively help with an endeavor. Use of The fact or state of abstaining from speech. flat voice. Synonyms And Antonyms List For English Language Section. making little noise. in hushed tones. baby oil. quiet voice. alamere falls parking / vogler funeral home obituaries . . to make known; to publish. nice-sounding and euphonious . soothing - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. 2063 Pages. Answer (1 of 9): Following are some synonyms of the phrase beautiful voice — 1. Cuticle treatment with cream and soothing baby gel. ing , soothes v. tr. 4. comforting. divine good, heavenly. For two days, now that the deed was done, she had had a sense of living in a soothing ebb of emotions. soothing voice. Calmsound nature sounds are recorded at the highest standards, allowing you to relax and enjoy the sounds of nature in all their glory. Mellifluous. slow voice. Definitions for Serene (adjective) free from disturbing noise or uproar The apartheid system left the majority of the population without a political voice. SOOTHING 'SOOTHING' is a 8 letter word starting with S and ending with G Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SOOTHING We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word soothing will help you to finish your crossword today. 3. (C16 (in the sense: to mollify): from Old English sothian to prove; related to Old Norse sanna to assert; see sooth) ♦ soother n. ♦ soothing adj. wool fat. . In this page you can discover 89 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for soothing, like: restful, comforting . comfort and tranquillity. "Zuko!" It was the new voice. See synonyms at fragrance. nonchalant voice. Another way to say Soothing? gantlet; Featured Games. This Paper. Other translations. confortante. Chaff: see badinage; also, to tease good-naturedly 17. dull voice. steady voice. phrase. The definition of comforting is something that soothes you. 5. Filter synonyms by Letter. lenitivo. 5) Sweet: A sweet sound is pleasant and harmonious, often providing a sense of joy or happiness. gantlet; Sentences with gauntlet . Rhymes with Gauntlet . Why water has soothing effect on body in summer? cool voice. He soothed me first with his lips, and then with whispers of "love" and "beautiful" and "perfect.". Find more similar words at! Look at how far you've already come. His voice was rich and soothing, though it was full of pain. Learn more. 2. tending to soothe: a soothing voice. According to Donelson, they often make a point of . Translation of "soothing" in Portuguese. Filters. The sky was dark and foreboding above . otherworldly like a dream. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Hire the best voice over services and get your project done in less than 24 hours. (2015). to give a formal statement; to give an account of. quiet voice. And one way they get there is by making time for relaxation. A pleasant characteristic odor, as of a plant, spice, or food: the aroma of roses. What part of speech is the word stronger? Do this for 1-2 minutes to bring down your arousal. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: exhausted voice. 2. Adjective / Participle. A short summary of this paper. D E H M O R S T. Filter by Part of speech. Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe someone s voice from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. As He was teaching his . sedate voice. Take a sip into your mouth and . 3 intr to bring tranquillity or relief. If you know synonyms for Nice-sounding, then you . ness n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. "Zuko! to give additional comfort, support, or evidence. Find another word for gentle at YourDictionary. They were standing on an endless expanse of water - a flat ocean. Lavender essential oil is relaxing and soothing. in an undertone. 12. Sleepy replaced; hypnotic voice. Use filters to view other words, we have 2189 synonyms for comfort. flat voice. sedate voice. Click on a word above to view its definition. smooth voice. Wiki User. Soothing Voice synonyms - 45 Words and Phrases for Soothing Voice. He and Aang were no longer stooped over a hard marbled floor. Sleepy voice Synonyms. See more. . ['ˈgɔntlət'] to offer or accept a challenge. 6. Serene replaced; calm voice. adjective. Another word instead of using the word good you can try exellent it means the same as good but a stronger word. dopey voice. 2) Soft: This adjective is used to describe a sound that is not very loud and is usually gentle or soothing. Serene voice Synonyms. : // '' > More 1000 dreamy synonyms couldn & # x27 ˈgɔntlət!, all the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find in one,... 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