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Unauthorized or improper use of this system is a violation of State and Federal law and may be prosecuted resulting in criminal or administrative penalties including fines and/or imprisonment. 501-682-9400. Forgot Password. For criminal cases, continue to use JusticeWeb. Arkansas Rules of Professional Conduct. Find the best Public court connect around ,AR and get detailed driving directions with road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local business along the way. Footer menu. Monday - Friday from 12:30AM to 2AM Saturday from 10PM to Sunday 12PM (Noon) Upcoming Special System Downtime Advisories And Announcements You are about to login to Contexte COURTS Enviroment and this is not PRODUCTION site. The District Court in Arkadelphia has jurisdiction . Public Records. Pulaski Circuit/County Clerk 401 West Markham Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Phone: 501.340.8500 Contact Us | Google Map DISTRICT COURT; NAME: POSITION: ADDRESS: PHONE/FAX: Hon Judge Tony Yocom: District Judge: P.O. The Arkansas Court Records Search links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to AR public records. Learn More 3 To increase the efficiency of our operations 1 To be people focused 2 To enhance the quality of our services 3 Pay Traffic Tickets Online. 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday Address: Saline County Clerk 215 North Main Street Benton, AR 72015 . Justice of the Peace Courts has countrywide jurisdiction over preliminary hearings of contract matters and minor . Court docket cases. The public can find cases by searching for a party name or by entering the case number. Click here to access previous CourtConnect. Arkansas Access to Justice. Court Information Systems Division Tim Holthoff 501-410-1919. Arkansas Court Connect APSRC. For older cases prior to 2015, use the iSeries. In a criminal court hearing, a district attorney representing the state brings up charges in opposition to the individual for breaching regulation. of the Courts 625 Marshall Street Little Rock, AR 72201. The Quorum Court may exercise the following powers, but are not limited to: A) the levy of taxes in manner prescribed by law; B) Appropriate public finds for the expenses of the county in a manner prescribed by ordinances; C) Preserve the peace and order and secure freedom from dangerous or noxious activities; provided, however, that no act may . Filter cases further by date of filing, case type, party type, party representation, and more. Continue your conversation over the web, email or SMS. Benton, AR 72015. Court records can be searched by date, business name, etc. Get instant answers to hundreds of questions about government services. Municipal Court Clerk 201 North Main, Suite 3 Harrison, AR 72601 (870) 741-2788 4th Judicial District Court of Arkansas. MARTY DEAN MOORE v. STATE OF ARKANSAS (Majority) Date: April 27, 2022. We also provide E-Recording and E-Filing services for Clerk of Court offices. Sevier County Circuit Court - DeQueen, AR. Mailing Address: 200 N. Main Street, Suite 113. Arkansas Rules of Appellate Procedure - Civil (§§ 1 — 12) Arkansas Rules of Appellate Procedure - Criminal (§§ 1 — 19) Arkansas Rules of Civil Procedure (§§ 1 — 90) Arkansas Rules of Criminal Procedure (§§ 1.1 — 38.1) Arkansas Rules of Evidence. Search by Person Name, Business Name or Case Type Find out how to search our CourtConnect system most easily by name or case type. 4/26/2022. View and download Arkansas Circuit Court forms organized by court division. The official web site for the Arkansas Supreme Court provides information about cases, oral . JMIS is headed by Chief Information Officer Skip Robertson, who manages a staff of 25 IT professionals. The public can find cases by searching for a party name or by entering the case number. MISSION STATEMENT: The Saline County Circuit Clerk's Office is committed to providing exceptional service to the citizens and promoting excellence in the Judicial Administrations. Circuit Courts: The phone number for Ouachita County Circuit Court is 870-837-2230 and the fax number is 870-837-2252. Randolph County Circuit Court - Pocahontas, AR. Sharp County Circuit Court - Ash Flat, AR. Search for Judgments Against a Person or Business With UniCourt, you can access cases online in Baxter County Circuit Court . FRANCIS 63 - SALINE 64 - SCOTT 65 - SEARCY 66 - SEBASTIAN 67 - SEVIER 68 - SHARP 69 - STONE 70 - UNION 71 - VAN BUREN 72 - WASHINGTON 73 - WHITE 74 - WOODRUFF 75 - YELL AR - STATE OF ARKANSAS. Circuit Court is in the process of migrating to Court Connect. Sebastian County Courts Building. Docket Number: CR-20-739. For background checks, go to the Arkansas Online Criminal Background Check System or contact the Arkansas State Police at 1(501)618-8500. Need help? District courts, formerly known as municipal courts before the passage of Amendment 80 to the Arkansas Constitution, exercise county-wide jurisdiction over misdemeanor and traffic cases, preliminary felony cases, and civil cases in matters of less than $25,000. Administrative forms are also provided. Go to Van Buren County Circuit Court Search . AOC CourtConnect Website Arkansas Judiciary CourtConnect - Overview Arkansas Judiciary CourtConnect - Help Overview Arkansas Judiciary CourtConnect - Help Hours and Information. Due to . Please contact the appropriate department for more details. (link is external) Unauthorized Practice of Law Complaints. CourtConnect CourtConnect is how the public may access court records online for those courts in Arkansas using the software. Arkansas Circuit Courts. Online case info for most Arkansas court cases can be found at the AOC CourtConnect portal. Location Code: ALL AO - ADMIN OFFICE OF THE COURTS AL - ALMA AY - ALTUS 99 - AOC INTERNAL SECURITY LEVEL AD - ARKADELPHIA YA - ARKANSAS CITY DIST JUVEN . Careers; Contact . StateRecords.org is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"). You can use our search tool to help you to find information from specific cases within the state's judicial system. Fort Smith, AR 72901. Start a Conversation. TYPES OF Legal Matters HEARD IN A Circuit COURT in Camden, Arkansas. What information is available in CourtConnect? 901 South B Street. They can also find case numbers by searching with the date the judgment was passed. Chat with Arkansas.gov. Connect 4 Business Inc 3 Hunter Ct , Little Rock, AR 72211 Healthy Connections Inc 206 McAuley Ct , . Appropriate public funds for the expenses of the county in a manner prescribed by ordinance. Scott County Circuit Court - Waldron, AR. Phone: . The Quorum Court has these duties: Levy of taxes in manner prescribed by law. BILLY HOOVER v. List of participating courts eTraffic eTraffic allows the public to pay traffic tickets online in jurisdictions using the electronic case management system (Contexte). Scott County Circuit Court - Waldron, AR. Supreme Court, Court of Appeals District Courts: Crawford County, Craighead County, Crittenden County, Faulkner County, Garland County, Hot Spring County, Independence County, Poinsett County - Tyronza Dept., Polk County, Pulaski County, Pulaski County - Little Rock Dept., Van Buren County, White County - Searcy Dept. The District Court Clerk's office handles Civil Division, Small Claims and all traffic offenses and misdemeanors committed within Greene County. Child Support Guidelines. You understand and acknowledge that these reports are NOT "consumer reports" as defined by the FCRA. Court Filings; Court Filings The Pulaski County Circuit and County Clerk's employees are working weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Business should be conducted online, by phone, or email if possible. Arkansas Court Connect APSRC. Circuit Courts have general jurisdiction over all civil cases for claims over $100, and all criminal cases, but typically only handle cases that are beyond the limited jurisdiction of other courts. (link is external) Legal Assistance. Need help? As a result of Chief Justice Kemp's Strategic Vision for the Arkansas Judiciary, the AOC is conducting research to analyze the business needs of our courts. Criminal Court begins at 8:30 AM. Due to . How to Find Arkansas Court Records Online The Arkansas Freedom of Information Act has made the court's records a matter of public information since 1967. This survey addresses the use of Internal Court Connect (ICC) only, www.courtinfo.aoc.arkansas.gov. Record Type: Availability: . Payments on fines, cost, restitution, other fees and time pay accounts may be made during business hours listed for . Arkansas Legal Services offers interactive forms and form packets, including child support, debt collection, divorce, domestic abuse, expungement, guardianship,wills, small claims, and more. Arkansas Court Connect. including §25-19-106 allows individuals the right to access criminal records, civil records, and court cases from . Box 1420. Search Results for "{{ ::query }}" . Search online court records for free in Baxter County Circuit Court by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Arkansas CourtConnect is the online public access portal to case information for courts using Contexte. Circuit courts and the kinds of matters they look after differ by state. June 11, 2020 Supreme Court Per Curiam Order Go to Faulkner County Circuit Court Search . Images are also available for civil cases starting . Arkansas Public School Resource Center Victory Building 1401 West Capitol Suite 315 Little Rock AR 72201. You are accessing a government information system provided by the State of Arkansas. Start a Conversation. For expeditious record retrieval, the requesting party may also self-serve using the Arkansas Administrative Court Connect Website. Effective April 1, 2022 all cases EXCEPT criminal cases are available in Court Connect. Harrison Department (f/k/a Boone County District Court) 1980 (46) 1979 (17) Recent Decisions From the Arkansas Court of Appeals. Connect with us! WARNING: You are accessing a government information system provided by the State of Arkansas. §25-19-101 et seq. Sharp County Circuit Court - Ash Flat, AR. Juvenile Division Jennifer Craun 501-682-9400. Searcy County Circuit Court - Marshall, AR. This is the web search page that has a red banner across the . Civil indexes are now available through Public Court Connect. The information contained within this public database is recorded upon: (a) documents actually filed with the courts, or a judge, where appropriate; (b) orders entered by judges from the bench; (c) scheduling orders entered by judges, case managers and court administration personnel; (d) judgments and/or liens filed of record. You are accessing a government information system provided by the State of Arkansas. Richard Proctor . AOC court connect public access will allow users to find court documents, dockets, criminal records, and more by a name search in Arkansas. CourtConnect is the online public access to case information in Arkansas. In several states, a judicial circuit can several areas. Phone: . 870-777-2525. Randolph County Circuit Court - Pocahontas, AR. Pulaski County Circuit Court 401 W Markham St, #100, Little Rock, AR 72201 Phone: (501) 340-8500 Fax: (501) 421-0293. Within Arkansas, the highest form of courts is that of the Supreme Court. They meet the second Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the courthouse. Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM. The online case management system of the Arkansas Supreme Court, CourtConnect, allows Arkansans to look up court cases and find case numbers. ColorScheme: BLAF SWAN purple blue teal titanium red olive khaki. Court Judge Address Phone/Fax Email; Phillips County Circuit Court: L T Sims . This website allows you to find public information on cases if you know the name of a person in the case, or if you know the case number. This is a free public information site for Arkansas courts. Beyond court data, users looking for other types of public record data in Arkansas can use a search service to find public records like criminal . Sign In. Neither the . It allows the user to search cases from the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, Circuit Courts, and District Courts. Chat with Arkansas.gov. Unauthorized access, use, or modification of this computer system or of the data contained herein or in transit to/from . Greene County is in the 2nd Judicial Circuit. Internal Court Connect. This portal provides subscriptions for search and printing capability for Clerks of Court from many offices across the state of Louisiana District Court system. The Freedom of Information Act, Ark. Our Mission The mission of the Department of Corrections is to be a public safety resource for Arkansas families by providing professional management solutions and evidence-based rehabilitative initiatives for offenders. Arkansas District Court Rules. Find the best Court connect public around ,AR and get detailed driving directions with road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local business along the way. Phone: 479-783-1103. 33rd District Court District 101 W Pine St, Room 5 Sheridan, Arkansas 72150 Phone: (870) 942-3464 Fax: (870) 942-8885 [email protected] Public Record Access. Location of Juror Number: My Jury Info is an Official State website. Code Ann. The court address is 145 Jefferson St SW, Camden AR 71701. Arkansas, KY Arkansas, AR , Arkansas, AR Legal. Important notice/COVID-19 Update: Our offices have been hard at work for you during this last year assisting the citizens of Benton County . Together, they implement new technologies and services, manage cybersecurity services, respond to specific . Crittenden County Courthouse 100 Court Square Marion, AR 72364 (870) 739-3200 State Services in Your Area Link to these helpful services offered by the State of Arkansas Updates from the Courts . Hope, Ar 71802. AOC CourtConnect Website Arkansas Judiciary CourtConnect - Overview Arkansas Judiciary CourtConnect - Help Overview Arkansas Judiciary CourtConnect - Help Hours and Information. ID Names/Corporation Case Description Party Type Filing Date Judge; 14735347: STATE OF ARKANSAS Aliases:,STATE OF ARKANSAS Case: 02CR-21-219 STATE V MIRANDA LYNN JOHNSON Status:CLOSED PLAINTIFF: 22-DEC-21, 10TH CIRCUIT DIVISION 4 Your . Help Desk e-filing , contexte, login, internal court connect, juror application, eflex, judiciary web-site support, network support Email: acap.help@arcourts.gov Phone: (501) 410 - 1900 Find Faulker County Circuit Court cases by searching for a party name or by entering the case number. Copies of records at Family History Library can be found from the date 1900. Probation office hours: are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM and Thursday 8:00 AM until 12:00 noon. The Arkansas Circuit Courts are the state trial courts of general jurisdiction of the state of Arkansas. CourtConnect is the online public access to case information in Arkansas. Using a third-party to find Public records in Arkansas. They have record files from between 1846 and 1878. CourtConnect is a portal to public case information for courts using the Contexte Case Management System. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is a violation of State and Federal law and may be prosecuted resulting in criminal or administrative penalties including fines and/or imprisonment. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We are open during the lunch hour. Fax: 479-441-1398. Examples of court records maintained . Click here to access previous CourtConnect. Grievances against Attorneys. A small claims division of district court provides a forum in which citizens . . CONTEXTE 5.2 (COURTS - Cloud DB) User ID: Password: Database: COURTS. Grievances against Judges. Arkansas. Find Van Buren County Circuit Court cases by searching for a party name or by entering the case number. 620 Cherry St., Helena, AR 72342 (870) 338-5518 (870) 238-3831 A User Experience Survey. Arkansas Criminal Court Records. Arkansas court: Arkansas court structure and flow. Each circuit court can have several departments, including circuit, affiliate, small cases, probate, family members, or medication court. 185. The Original Court Records are kept by clerks in every courthouse of the counties in Arkansas State. Baxter County Courts, Arkansas. Forgot Username. Clerk's Office 511 South Main St. # 202 Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401: (870) 933-4520 Phone 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. M - F (except for Court Approved Holidays) . List of participating district courts eFiling Arkansas State Records Login CONTACT US (501) 509-8758 Instant Access to State, County and Municipal Public Records Arkansas. Court Records Search. Help. There is also an Internal CourtConnect version for court use that . wendell griffen - 5th division 6th circuit: 11223686: state of arkansas aliases:,state of arkansas: case: 60cr-22-1302 state v carl james green status:open: plaintiff: 28-apr-22, hon. The features and services available are specific to each office but may include search and retrieval of Civil suits, Criminal Cases, and Records. Criminal Court. Continue your conversation over the web, email or SMS. 870-887-7830 Fax. The Circuit Clerk is the official custodian of record for the Circuit Court of Benton County, acts as the ex-officio County Recorder and takes the constitutional oath of office. App. Location of Juror Number: My Jury Info is an Official State website. Get instant answers to hundreds of questions about government services. aliases:,state of arkansas: case: 60cr-22-1294 state v vanessa williams status:open: plaintiff: 28-apr-22, hon. Arkansas Court Connect November 7, 2017 Category: Free Resources Court Records Human Resources Legal & Policy Technology and Social Media Please log in as an APSRC member to access this resource. Self-Help Forms. The Quorum Court is the legislative body of Sharp County comprised of elected Justices of the Peace. Find the best Court connect info around ,AR and get detailed driving directions with road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local business along the way. Circuit Clerk's Office. Criminal cases heard by Circuit Courts include felonies, some misdemeanors, and lesser-included offenses. Searcy County Circuit Court - Marshall, AR. Find the best Court connect around ,AR and get detailed driving directions with road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local business along the way. There is one Chief Justice and there are also six Associate . Sevier County Circuit Court - DeQueen, AR. Citation: 2022 Ark. There is also an Internal CourtConnect version for court use that requires a login and password. Interested persons can search CourtConnect with their partial or complete names to retrieve their case numbers. Environment: COURTS_Contexte_Application COURTS_SECURITY COURTS_ENTITY_MAINTENANCE. Director . Searching in CourtConnect For an exact match, or to shorten the list of possible cases, enter as much information as you can about the case you need. Your Arkansas . Perform a free Arkansas public court records search, including court dockets, files, transcripts, and case lookups & searches. Sebastian County Circuit Court - Greenwood, AR. The mission of the District Court of Clark County, Arkansas, is to provide prompt, courteous, accessible services dedicated to ensuring equal justice in the resolution of criminal prosecutions, traffic charges, civil matters and other court-related services of district court jurisdiction. Judicial Management Information Services (JMIS) is one of ten divisions in the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts. The below represents the Arkansas court structure and flow from court systems, judges, civil courts, district courts and more from the state of Arkansas. Drug courts are problem-solving courts that help . Teaching & Learning Finance Technology Legal & Policy Free Resources Court Records FERPA Guidance Letters Disaster Board Resolution Sample Forms USERRA CourtConnect is the online public access portal to case information for courts using Contexte. The use of this system is restricted to authorized users only. Saline County Circuit Court - Benton, AR. leon johnson - 1st division 6th circuit: 11223686 . Indicate issues on the Feedback form. Sebastian County Circuit Court - Greenwood, AR. Use the Infotracer tool to search quickly and easily for state records in the three major counties of Pulaski, Benton, and Washington County or the entire state! Linda Bell Arkansas Public School Resource Center Victory Building 1401 West Capitol Suite 315 Little Rock AR 72201. Ouachita County Circuit Court is located in Ouachita county in Arkansas. 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday Address: Saline County Clerk 215 North Main Street Benton, AR 72015 . Saline County Circuit Court - Benton, AR. 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