It shares land borders with Canada and Mexico . 1k+Burn Me With Fire»by ShadowblayzeAfter the encounter with Quirrell, Harry's world drastically changes. Sirius the Rockstar (Wolfstar Oneshot) Part 2 LoekazzWrites 1 0. . While he knew that this had happened to him before, the Weasley pranksters made sure of it, there was usually something distinctly off about the whole thing. he'd cuddle his. You were put in this house for a reason, and you belong with me." . anything else Merlin related? He is in a number of fanfictions. The war is over. I can remember the first days of Harry Potter fanfiction.It was only a year or so ago really, but that year made a difference - stories written by fans were few and far between, at least in any large quantity, and the Harry Potter section of had maybe two or three pages to its name. Just In. Sirius returns home for the summer to discover that his mum has fallen in love with a new man a Muggle no less. Harry and his soulmate Severus Snape have found safe haven in an isolated cave to recover with the new Order after a horrendous loss at the Battle of Malfoy Manor. Some of the best tom/harry, fem harry, slash and non slash Heiress Death by Krazy97 reviews. Title: Teleology Author: Gomez3600 Rating: M Genre: Drama/Romance Status: Complete Library Category: Pairings: Harry P./Daphne G., Ron W./Tracey D. Summary: The bloody war has ended at Harry's sixth-year. Slash in Harry Potter fandom -- male/male relationships, including HPDM, HPSS, HPTMR, HPLM, and more. Harry Potter is a little thief. Harry Potter, the Chosen One, has been outed as a Ruined Omega! Add to library 61 Discussion 24 Suggest tags. Harry Potter Fanfiction Thursday, May 31, 2012. Harry disarmed Ron. But A Shadow Harry/Ginny. "Well done, Potter." A voice from the shadows spoke, "You have proven your loyalty to our master!" Ron shivered as he recognized the voice of Lucius Malfoy. mostly when he is in the common room or alone. Harry Potter and the Techniques of Rationality. Pain. This story has action, adventure, humor and romance! His belly tightened and held, then suddenly relaxed. 2.3 #3. 5D's. . He was having a difficult time trying to block out his pain, and he was beginning to succumb to the overwhelming agony he was feeling. Warnings: This is Mpreg fic, so if you don't like that kind of stuff then don't read it. After a horrific beating from Uncle Vernon, Harry feels lonelier than ever. Jaded and cynical Master Auror Harry Potter gets sent to Arda to relive his non-existent childhood. Harry and Ashton has been married 3 years.When Ashton gets pregnant and has their baby they soonly drift apart and get a divorce.But 7 years later they realize they still love each other. His hair always messy was plastered to his sweating forehead even in his sleep he was mumbling about someone called Cedric. "You were the one who told me who I really was and the only one who ever stood up to me. It all began with a prophecy, two to be exact one of truth and one of lies, both pertaining to Violet Potter, how different could the story possibly be when Violet Potter is raised by Death himself? A Boy Named 'Harry' by Hey Darlin. Fanfiction.Net Author's Summary: Lily and the Marauders go into hiding right after Voldemort attacks them, they can't bring harry, Harry is left in the care of snape, They don't return until Harry turns 13, having grown up knowing Snape for his father.They try to take him and cause some 2.5frogs Some baby scenes then a 1 st year fic redone. One Direction | Fanfiction Romance Mpreg Dimple Boy Harry Styles Ashton Irwin. Something his mother told him he always had to keep secret unless he absolutely trusted the person. Ensemble fic about a family's recovery as old enemies return. Then he discovers the truth behind the Dark, Light and the War and must make a choice which will decide not only his future but the fate of the Wizarding World. Someday Harry/Ginny. Crossover with The Lord of the Rings. Hybrid Destiny Chapter 38, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Epilogue Five weeks later Harry awoke when a sharp stabbing pain engulfed his middle. net in 2007 and 2008, is the last of my three novel-length Harry Potter fanfiction stories . Harry Potter Fanfiction: Favorites. But Harry has chosen his side. WWW Partner Harry Potter is attacked by unknown persons and left for dead. Single parent Draco Malfoy is living quietly out of the politics of the Post-Second Wizarding war. On Harry Potter's sixteenth birthday he discovers he is a creature and is drawn to Voldemort much to his initial horror. Time is a . He calls out for the only person who might be able to help him get away from hi. WWW Partner Harry Potter is attacked by unknown persons and left for dead. She spent the war in grey and Evelyn takes her own drastic and very poorly thought action. Evelyn is Bellatrix's younger twin sister. A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover Fanfic The war with Gaea is over, and the only plans Percy have are to spend time with Annabeth. Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, had raped and murdered the baby sister of his best friend. Hermione, with help from Harry, goes back in time to change Severus Snape's unhappy childhood and years at Hogwarts, in the hope that a happier early life would prevent him from dying alone in the Shrieking Shack. Instead of Malfoy manor, they take their prisoners to Greengrass manor. He had felt nauseous for the whole month but had chalked it up to the usual bout of nerves that occurred before the upcoming Quidditch game and practices. NOT EDITED! Misery. Jessie Cave lavender It breaks 100 thousand words, of which something like 95 thousand were finished when the month was. Or an alternative AU where Harry lives in the street until he is thirteen years old. A different group of snatchers captures the golden trio in the woods. Summary. Full of distaste of her family at a young age, she left her family. Voldemort's dead. 4 years on, Harry goes with the Fellowship, with the chief objective of distracting and fighting Saruman. His eyes yellow, canines sharp and ears pointed, Harry had well and truly become lost in his most base instincts. Summary. A love that carries on through trials, tribulations, and war. Slash mpreg Draco Malfoy & The Deathly Hollows Embraced by the Darkness by Brigade - Rated M - Sequel to Enveloped in the Darkness. Rating:R Pairing:n/a Summary (author's own):Blood magic was supposed to keep Harry safe, but his relatives are expendable. though he never knew what it actually was. This was written for the 2004 National Novel Writing Month, and was written in something like thirty-two days. In addition- I know this bothers a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction readers- the writer keeps the timeline in the context of world events. Goodreads allows fanfiction that is completed, self-published, and preferably book-length (refer to the manual, or the Goodreads Librarians Group). Harry Potter and the Paradigm Shift. Three people, three perceptions. This secret was the fact that Harry Potter was an animagus. Harry was about to look to Hermione for help when Snape called him to show his potion. (Yes, this means it was not finished when the month ran out.) Harry Potter - Rated: K+ . PG-13 The Snakepit Slytherin House plays by its own rules, and its own code of honor. Look no further! It had been around November when what Ron knows now was morning sickness started kicking in. he'd just fall in sometimes and act like a kid. Harry Potter/Severus Snape (873) Exclude Additional Tags Mpreg (57862) Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics (19494) Fluff (10871) Implied Mpreg (9222) Angst (8108) Author: Carbon Insolence. Twelve years later, Harry Potter is found and brought home, but the real struggle has just begun. . Unfortunately, that world was Middle Earth before the War of the Ring. He pulled out his wand, and was met by many wands being pointed at him. Harry lay on his bed naked and covered in blood. Harry Potter is a little thief. "You were the one who told me who I really was and the only one who ever stood up to me. but still vulnerable. And yes, it was Wades. Harry Potter | Reader Draco Malfoy | Fantasy Romance Abuse Abused. Sequels: For the Love of a Child: YEAR TWO, For the . Lily and James survived Voldemort's attack, but their infant son was believed dead. Sub Harry Potter. A series of vignettes during Draco Malfoy's time at Hogwarts. Summary. So sorry for my misspellings and grammar errors! Only a week after the last funeral Ron proposed to her, and they were to be married at Christmas time, and Harry was once again alone, not having the heart to tell her. Now he's done with both sides of the war and wants to be left alone. The below ten most significant fanfictions about Harry Potter will get you surprised by imagination, cheekiness, and strength. With another evil grandfather out to get him, he has to go to Hogwarts, a place where M. Harry is abused by the Dursleys beaten, and in later chapters raped. His plan started to be crushed when Harry Potter showed up at Hogwarts with a venomous magical snake and not . 2.4 #4. He is a street rat. R/S. Most of fics will be a character traveling back to his younger self, but ocassionally there will be just a time travel. Love and Love Again by foreverandnow. Harry/Albus: ♥ Shiny and Blue by Der Mondstrahl: Harry finds himself in 1957 with new powers. (Please add only the first book in a series to avoid clogging the list.) No one would ever suspect him of doing most of the things he does. 106,887. - Complete. Harry Potter | Draco Malfoy | Fantasy Romance Drarry Harco Draco And Harry. "Crucio!" Harry said and Ron collapsed in screams. Peter looked down at the test, an uneasy feeling growing in his stomach. fanfiction, ff, fan, povídky, Harry Potter, . Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. Harry, Ron, Blaise, Susan and Neville had become a top Auror squad, peerless in the New Ministry. Lucius covered Harry up carefully and gently picked him up bridle style. August 25, 2017 Shipper. Only this time Draco comes back as a professor and brings with him a few surprises. Changed and afraid, Harry was taken in by Logan who adamantly believed the situation to be temporary. Bungle in the Jungle. There is a reason why everyone wants a piece of Harry Potter; the twelve-year-old is considered a prodigy by the Wizarding World, after all. Odkaz | Autor: Bilkis | Fandom: Harry Potter | Jazyk: ČJ | Postavy: HP/SS | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 17 Shrnutí: Hlavními postavami jsou Severus a Harry, příběh se odehrává pět let po ukončení Harryho studia Bradavicích.Zápletka je velmi neoriginální, povídka je slashová a zřejmě je to AU, protože nerespektuje konec šestého dílu a . Vilified by the media, and shunned by his friends, Harry finds solace from an unlikely source that leads to past lies coming to the surface, an old man's attempt to control Harry, and courtship from a past enemy. First published Apr 08, 2014. (Drarry fanfiction) 2.4M 81.6K 61 But since when have his wishes ever counted for anything? Non-Epilogue compliant post-Battle of Hogwarts fic. No slash, written for my 100 . net in 2007 and 2008, is the last of my three novel-length Harry Potter fanfiction stories . His stomach dropped into the floor, or so it felt. He creates a portkey to take himself, Andromeda and Teddy to a place of Safety. Indago: 3. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Helps with his stress and depression. Language: English. Harry is abused physically, verbally, mentally, you name it. He is a street rat. Inheriting A New Prophecy Book 1 Censored by stargatesg1fan1. No slash. With a job at Hogwarts, he makes friends the with adults from his youth like Albus and Minerva, and deals with old enemies. He timed his contractions, and they were about twenty minutes apart. An orphan. That yes, there is a tiny being growing inside of him. With an unintelligible yell, Ron started towards the wall through which he had entered. Daddy Draco Little Harry. Harry sighed deeply as he looked down at his cauldron; it was not the colour it was supposed to be and this was his last chance to get it right else, he would have to serve catch up lessons with Snape at the weekend. In the end there is a small section of people going to the future. Harry Potter. grangerbashing. So forgotten and hurt by the others, by his surroundings in search of love and comprehension while he only knows misery and pain. Sherlock Holmes / John Watson, Tobias Gregson, Greg Lestrade | Rating: | Slash: ano | Dokončeno: dokončeno | Počet kapitol: 8 Shrnutí: Sherlock je alfa, John omega a trochu se mu předběhne heat, aneb tutoriál pro Omegaverse AU. That was not an option. He tried to push through again, but Theodore Nott grabbed his by the arm, causing him to flinch. Arc-V, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Slash scenes are well marked. After meeting Bella he goes to a place hardly on the map Forks while there he meets the Cullens. This collection covers it all (feel free to leave requests as well. Will they overcome their differences and find love again? Hunted by the Death Eaters, at odds with the Ministry, and not seeing eye-to-eye with the so-called "Light Side", Harry finds an unexpected ally who takes him on as an Apprentice. Ginny Weasley was found in a back alley behind an apothecary in Hogsmeade, her cold hand firmly clasped around a Gryffindor tie, and on that tie a small name tag that read 'Harry Potter'. Whimpering, growling and pushing Harry felt the first cub slide out of his body, landing with a dull thud on soft bed. Harry and Draco both get the potion on themselves and have to go into Snape's office and strip off their robes to get the potion off of themselves. Harry Potter is looking to start a new life after taking out Voldemort. Genre: Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort. Chapter 1 "Harry!" . However, Dumbledore's plan started to crumble when the letters were sent and Harry Potter responded like a pureblood would. He grunted leaning forward on his hands and knees, the sweat pouring down his face, wet hair matted to his forehead. Reality travel. He regained his footing just in time to see a head of ice blonde hair tilting upwards to see him. Dom Daphne Greengrass. Title:Blood Magic Author:GatewayGirl Link:Blood Magic by GatewayGirl Disclaimer (author's own):Harry Potter and his world are the inestimable creation of J.K. Rowling.I am a trespasser, playing for my amusement (and hopefully yours). Post-Hogwarts. You were put in this house for a reason, and you belong with me." . Femdom. Our favorite wizard merges mind and soul with Percy Jackson, Harry's counterpart in the new reality. Hermione, with help from Harry, goes back in time to change Severus Snape's unhappy childhood and years at Hogwarts, in the hope that a happier early life would prevent him from dying alone in the Shrieking Shack. He would kill whoever did this and he would do it violently. Moaning, they both got lost in their passion, not knowing that their lives had been changed forever. Warnings: Slash, Smut. Harry gaped. Will he survive the pregnancy? They're wrong. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. You laughed and cried with me and let me experience things I never thought I would. Tenhle příběh funguje spíš jako úvod do světa . Synopsis: After the Second Wizarding War, Harry goes to rest and recuperate in an out-of-the-way world. An epic tale of Remus and Sirius's lives, starting from the very beginning. Harry Potter, Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy join together in an alliance no one, especially Voldemort, is expecting. 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