Determine the Real Property Assets by performing a free Nationwide search for Deeds & Voluntary Liens in more than 1,800 Counties Nationwide. (254) 933-5165. — Alan E&P Landman. TexasFile is our first stop for county records. 400 Deputy Larry Miller Dr. Granbury, TX 76048. The electronic records available on this site are generated from the same database as those reflected on the official electronic records kept in the Clerk's Office. Email We have a fantastic customer support team available to answer any questions. They are a valuable tool for the real estate industry, offering both buyers . The Honorable Katie Lang, Hood County Clerk, is pleased to provide our customers with this website to electronically search index books. Contact Us. Each name in excess of five to be indexed is 25 cents. Mailing Address P.O. Quick Search. Information includes assumed business name; description of business; filing date; and business owner, notary public, witness, clerk or recorder, and deputy's name. The Bexar County Clerk's Offices provides a number of services for recording various records, requesting copies of records, efiling for court cases, and the withdrawing of funds from cash bonds and the court registry. This site is used to search for documents that have been recorded in land records offices in various counties. 58045. 3.3% (or 853) of all properties were built between 1950 to 1959. County Clerk Jackie "JD" Dowdy Kerr County Courthouse 700 Main Street Suite 122 Kerrville, Texas 78028 Phone: (830) 792-2255 Fax: (830) 792-2274 Property data: Rich data updated daily, all in one place Grantor/Grantee document search Property Runsheets Subdivision Maps/Plats Liens Deeds Tax Accounts/Taxing Entities 128 Jefferson St., Suite C. Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. The County Court has jurisdiction in Hood County for uncontested probates. The County Clerk's office has taken a proactive step in providing a free on-line automated service in which Palo Pinto County property owners can sign up to have their name monitored to track possible fraudulent activity. Approximate Number of Documents for Hood County : 666,000 View Pricing Search Hood County property tax and assessment records by name, property address, legal description or geographic id. Document copies available from 1925 to 2022 Phone: (214) 653-7099 | Fax: (214) 653-7176. 0. Riders are $8 per page beginning with the second rider. The counties currently include: Stop by or call us at 304-424-1850. New Search. Online Credit Card Payments. In addition to deeds, mortgages and equity loans . County Clerk also serves as the Chief Financial Officer . Hood County Birth and Death Certificate Information. Inmate Custody & Release List - Metropolitan Detention Center. Get FREE TEXAS PUBLIC RECORDS directly from 50 official Texas gov't public record databases. Please note the following: — Cathy, Lease Analyst. Statistics for Hood County in 2016 show there were 85 total violent crimes and 389 total property crimes. Start searching the most accurate data and save time and money. Recorded Date. We greatly value your input to improve this website and make it as user-friendly as possible. 8:00 - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday (Except for County Approved Holidays) Laura Hughes, Kaufman County Clerk. They are maintained by various government offices in Hood County, Texas State, and at the Federal level. The County Clerk is responsible for recording and maintaining real property records. TexasFile is our first and last search on every property. 300 N. Grant Street, Room 111 P.O. Application For Sale of Real/Personal Property: Fees: Filing Fee: $25.00: Judge's Signature (Proposed Ord) $2.00: Posted Citation (Sheriff) Fee: County Clerk. Effective Monday, December 7, 2020, the Cook County Clerk's Office has assumed all operations and duties of the Cook County Recorder of Deeds Office and that office no longer exists. Office Hours: Central Documents include all or part of the documents filed with the Hood County Clerk/Recorder for the period indicated below. 14805. For more information please visit Grant County County Recorded Instrument Type Book Page(s) Grantor Grantee Legal Description Images; 2: Roger Mills: 05/19/1987: 1987-002627: Easement: 000885 - 0317: GOHLKE, LEE ROY E ZIELONKA, EMIL SCHULZE, CAESAR OMUNDSON, CHARLES 853 more… SAN PATRICIO COUNTY LEE COUNTY LOVING COUNTY ORANGE COUNTY 67 more… S28 T13N R23W S15 T11N R23W: 318 : View of the Cabell County Clerk! Document copies available from 1967 to 2022. . . These responsibilities include: Issuing or filing of records: Assumed Business Names/DBA. Email: Telephone: (214)705-6400 Please fill out the below form to request copies of deeds, probate records, . Hood County Clerk. Please call for more information (361) 782-3563. Elected Official: Cynthia K. Puff. $162,600 is the median property value of homes in in Hood County. 0. If you would like to access Agendas and Minutes or would like to search Land Records online or to view documents, you must first register with the County Clerk's office. Whitfield County Electronic Land Records site! The County Clerk is the official record keeper for Harney County. Call us at (877) 652-2707 for delinquent data pricing today. miles. Hood River County is the 22nd largest county in Oregon in terms of population: 41,952 people compose 8,213 households. Make an online payment click the following link or copy and paste into your Chrome web browser. HOOD COUNTY CLERK ONLINE START FREE TRIAL Need quick easy access to Hood County Clerk and Appraisal records? Official Records Search. Land Records Land Records Search Central Appraisal E-Recording: Vital Records Vital Records Search: Fees Fees: Forms Application for Birth or Death Records . Washington Warrant Search At County Level (Top Countries) King County - Seattle Criminal Warrants Unit Regional Justice Center 401 4th Ave North Kent, WA 98032 206-477-3113 . Phone:(254) 386-1203. . These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. 192.007 To release, transfer, assign or take another action relating to an . Search Active Assumed Names. Recording Fees The cost to record a real estate deed is $21 for the first page and $4 for each additional page of the document. Fax (915) 546-2012. Request a copy of a Hood County birth or death . Welcome to County Government - Texas This site is used to search for documents that have been recorded in the County Clerk's office in various Texas counties. The Clerk's Office is responsible for processing all real property transactions, plats, Commissioners' Journal documents and Board of Property Tax Appeal petitions for Deschutes County. Search Tax Records - Treasurer. Offical Public Records. 400 Deputy Larry Miller Dr. Granbury, TX, 76048. Free . They are a valuable tool for the real estate industry, offering both buyers . This includes deeds, liens, mineral leases, releases and others! County Clerk Court Records Online Court Records Online Court Records Online Court Records To view online court records and documents, please click the following link. Public Property Records provide information on homes, land, or commercial properties, including titles, mortgages, property deeds, and a range of other documents. NOTICE: Documents recorded in the office of the County Clerk are Public Records, subject to inspection and disclosure. FAX: 541-573-8370. Phone: 817-579-3316. Delinquent Tax Data products must be purchased over the phone. Our mailing address is Hood River County Records, 601 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031-1871. County Courthouse. 254-435-2201 - Real Property and Vital Statistics254-435-6606 - Criminal, Civil, Probate & Guardianship Records. Name Hood County Recorder of Deeds Suggest Edit Address PO Box 339 Granbury , Texas , 76048 Phone 817-579-3222 Fax 817-408-3441 This office is closed for lunch from 12 - 1 p.m. Public access to records is in the County Clerks office in the lower level of the Courthouse. This office is open to the public and services individuals who have purchased or sold property in Middlesex County. . County Clerk: Kelly Pinion Address: 904 Broadway, Room 207 Lubbock, TX 79401 P.O. Hood County Clerk Contact Information Address and Phone Number for Hood County Clerk, a Clerk Office, at PO Box 339, Granbury TX. Checks should be made payable to "Hood River County." Please do not send cash by mail. Hamilton County Clerk. Box 237. Due to a new software update, you will be asked to reset your password upon login. Search Index Only. Itzel Gonzalez Stiles - Courts Supervisor. The County of Johnson. We're open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and we look forward to helping you. Register. Search Index & Full Text (OCR) View Recent Search History . Each page will provide details on the process for recording or making request, along with downloadable documents and instructions. First Floor. Know who and how to contact your Granbury, Texas Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Granbury Clerk of Court Hood County Clerk. Regarding any specific queries on records access, you can always reach the Hood County Clerk office on the phone: 817-579-3222, whichever is more convenient. P.O. Records include Hood County business licenses & records, court records, criminal records & warrants, inmate & jail records, marriage & divorce records, property records, vital records, and voter records & election results! Tom Green County Clerk. Hood County Arrest Records. Sign In. At the Wood County Courthouse, our 15 deputy clerks take care of your recorded marriages, births, deaths, deeds, wills, and much more. TexasFile makes lien searches a breeze. Please Note: Our database will be shut down during this . Property Alert. According to the FBI, property and mortgage fraud is the fastest growing white-collar crime in the United States. IMPORTANT NOTICE - LAUNCHING NEW LAND AND VITALS SYSTEM. . 210-335-3009. To record deeds, mortgages and most property records costs $115 for the first page, plus $5 for each additional page. — Lori, Paralegal. Box 339 Granbury, Texas 76048 The primary responsibility of deed records is to record and process all property instruments presented to the County Clerk's office. Hamilton County Clerk Official Public Records. Hood County Clerk 201 West Bridge St., Granbury, TX 76048 Phone (817)579-3222 . Fax: (817)407-3441. Quick Search. Jamison Museum in Platteville. (Death, Birth, Marriage, DD214 & Assumed Name Certificates) Please use the links on the left hand side for information on requesting these records. Attn: Recording Dept. Hopkins County is Now Offering Birth & Death Certificates Online Along With Certified Copies of Marriage Licenses. Records for arrests can be obtained at: Hood County Sheriff's Office. Box 17253 Galveston, TX 77552 Official Records Search. this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. What used to take hours, now just takes a few clicks. You can learn how to get a marriage license, a marriage certificate, or marriage records from your local Marriage License Office, Clerk, Health Department, or Town or City Hall. Vital Statistics Records: Fees: Forms: Birth Certificate (Closed to general public for 75 years) $23.00: . The Hood County Public Records (Texas) links . Texas: Hood County Clerk Records Search Hood County Clerk Katie Lang 201 W Bridge Street Granbury, TX 76048 (817) 579-3222 Phone (817) 579-3227 Fax County Clerk Records Coverage Quickly access deeds, liens, oil & gas leases and title research with our free grantor-grantee and property search index. Deed & Mortgage Reports allows you to search for a property based on Name, Deed type, or Document recording number, select the property you are looking for and . In addition, the Clerk's office oversees the Archive/Records Center. Phone: (817) 579-3316. Recorded Date. This includes E-Recorded documents. Crane County Clerk. New Search. Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75202. To view a Report Click "Sample" below. To begin searching for records, please select a state. Property Records. (254) 933-5171. We will re-open for regular business hours on Wednesday, May 4 2022. Box 10536 Lubbock, TX 79408 Phone: (806) 775-1076 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Version: 2019.3.23 Online Document Search . Hood County Clerk Official Public Records. El Paso, Texas 79901. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. Register. McLennan County Clerk. Phone: (817)579-3222 . Online Document Search Lubbock County Clerk DISCLAIMER. Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. 36866. Phone: (903) 438-4074. Hood County Coverage. Box 707 Odessa, Texas 79760 Phone (432) 498-4130 Fax (432) 498-4177 Hood County Land Records are real estate documents that contain information related to property in Hood County, Texas. For all other questions and inquiries, please call 575-647-7421. T he offices of the County Clerk in McKinney and Plano will close at Noon on Thursday, April 28, 2022 and remain closed through Tuesday, May 3, 2022 while we launch our new Land and Vital Records Management System. A non-standard fee of $20 will apply to instruments that do not meet the requirements. The accessibility of electronic . Main Office 600 59th Street Suite 2001 Galveston, TX 77551 (409) 766-2200 (409) 765-3160 Fax. Cart. P O BOX 819 1902 W. PEARL STREET . Online Court Records Helpful Links Notify Me® Agendas & Minutes Employment Financial Transparency Bond Page COVID INFO This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access to our historic index records and associated documents as an alternative to in-person courthouse access. County Clerk - Public Records. Welcome to County Government Maribel Vazquez - Land & Vitals Supervisor. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. . Hood County Public Records (Texas) Perform a free Hood County, TX public record search, including arrest, birth, business, contractor, court, criminal, death, divorce, employee, genealogy, GIS, inmate, jail, land, marriage, police, property, sex offender, tax, vital, and warrant records searches. Sign In. Vital Statistic Records. These wills are not open to public inspection and require a judge's order to be released for probate. The Office of the County Clerk keeps records such as resolutions, ordinances, deeds and marriage licenses. The County Clerk's office also issues Declaration of Information Marriage Licenses. Residences in this county most commonly have 3 bedrooms. The costs is $47.00. Loving County Clerk. Gatesville, Texas 76528. (254) 933-5171. Online request will be processed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. The Vital Records Division of the County Clerk's office is the registrar of birth and death records, issues and maintains all marriage licenses, and records assumed name certificates and military . Elections 275 W 10th Ave Eugene, OR 97401 541-682-4234 Deeds and Records/Marriage Licenses 125 E 8th Ave Eugene, OR 97401 541-682-3654 Hours: 9:00am - Noon Please call the Clerk's Office for the Reference # before making any payment. Wills can also be held for safekeeping in the Clerk's office for a $5 fee. Office Locations Deed Records and Vitals 201 W. Bridge Street Granbury, Texas 76048 Courts 1200 W. Pearl Street Granbury, Texas 76048 Phone Number (817) 579-3222 Mailing Address: Hood County Clerk's Office P.O. Hood County Criminal Records. Probate - 469-376-4738. Around 66.5% of all Hood County residential properties are 1 unit detached structures. Request police, criminal records from the Hood County Sheriff. Phone (915) 546-2071. Real Properties and Vital Statistics - 469-376-4730. Hood County Recorder of Deeds Contact Information Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Hood County Recorder of Deeds, a Recorder Of Deeds, at PO Box 339, Granbury TX. Bell County Clerk's Office. Land Records are maintained by various government offices at the local Hood County, Texas State, and Federal level . Letter From Hill County Clerk Regarding Fee Changes Effective September 1, 2015 . Court Division - 469-376 . 500 E. San Antonio, Suite 105. TaxNetUSA offers solutions to companies that need Delinquent Property Tax Data in one or more counties, including Hood County, TX, and want the data in a standard form. P.O. Out-of-state checks are not accepted. Th e Liberty County Cl erk acts as the recorder and custodian of important public records in Liberty County--including all deeds and land instruments, bonds, birth and death cert ificates, assumed names, county plats, and livestock brands--ensuring that the records are maintained in a secure, archival manner. Name Hood County Clerk Suggest Edit Address PO Box 339 Granbury , Texas , 76048 Phone 817-579-3222 Free Hood County Clerk Office Property Records Search The County Clerk's office is responsible for the recordation and preservation of most documents relating to our citizens. Effective January 1, 2015, the County Clerk's Office will begin charging an additional $0.25 for each name in excess of five names to be indexed on all documents being recorded. Box 480. These are copies of those recorded documents but are not 'Official Copies' from the Clerk. Please only have one browser window open to prevent errors when using this site. Hood County, Texas Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Hood County Texas • 100 E. Pearl St. • Granbury, TX 76048 • Ph: 817-579-3200 • Fx: 817-579-3213 . Paul Elizondo Tower. Please call (405) 366-0240 for assistance. REQUESTS FOR DEED, OFFICIAL RECORDS, PROBATE or CRIMINAL RECORDS. Since 2005, TexasFile has been a trusted provider of Hood County Official Public Records, including County Clerk Records and Mineral Appraisal Data. Coryell County Courthouse. . Vital Records. Deeds, plats, liens, powers of attorney, oil and gas leases, and many other documents. County Clerk, Kelly Eskew, has announced a Fraud Alert to Notify Property Owners of New Transactions. Advanced Search. Real Estate Records. Search Online - Index and images. 620 East Main Street. Advanced Search. Copies of all deeds and mortgages recorded since 1683 are on file and accessible to citizens, attorneys, title searchers, historians and genealogists. For More Information The County Clerk's Office is open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am . The County Clerk's Office also issues and records marriage licenses for Liberty County. These documents include land records, birth, death and marriage records and wills…just to name a few. Llano County Clerk's Office accepts payments for services by Credit Card Make payments through - Llano County Clerk Bureau Code #1708470 Or By: IVR (Interactive Voice Response) at 1-866-549-1010 *Please note a 2.85% convenience fee is charged RECORDING INFORMATION AND FEES FEE SCHEDULE FOR FILING OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS Address:102 N Rice St, Ste 107 Hamilton, TX 76531. Help. I believe we are and will continue to move the Hood County clerk's office forward to completing our mission. Learn more about Hood River County property records and search data related to property tax, appraiser, auditor and assessor records that may be available at the county clerk's office. Texas Hood County P.O. Burns, OR 97720. Phone: 541-573-6641. The recording webpages can be found at the link below. Email: Clerk Address: Hood County Annex II, 201 West Bridge St., Granbury, TX 76048. Welcome to the official website. Contact Us. Checks may be made payable to Hood River County. Public Documents Search - County Clerk. The office also issues several types of permits and . County Clerk Records Division (512) 943-1515 (512) 943-1616 fax Hours: 8 am to 4:30 pm Civil/Probate Division (512) 943-1140 (512) 943-1154 fax . The county clerk shall record each deed, mortgage or other instrument that is required or permitted by law to be recorded. Property Taxes. Arrest List - Metropolitan Detention Center. 101 W. Nueva, Suite B110. Effective at noon Friday, March 9th Hood County Tax Assessor Collections office will no longer be accepting HOOD COUNTY Tax payments, please direct your questions and concerns to Hood County appraisal district at 1902 West Pearl Street, where you pay city/school tax. The Orange County Clerk's Office is providing a free new tool to help property owners protect one of their most valuable assets.. With Fraud Alert, you can sign up to receive alerts whenever a document, such as a deed or a mortgage, is recorded under your name. Recording DivisionThe County Clerk as Recorder of Deeds/Official Public Records: Texas Government Code, Local Government Code, Property Code, Uniform Commercial Code, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Business and Commercial Code. 1 Franklin County Clerk. Quick Search: State of Oklahoma Statutes. Deeds of Trusts, Liens, and Abstracts; Vital Statistics Records. Pay Property Tax Online - Treasurer. The Records Division administers public records, legal recordings including all real property transactions, Commissioner's Journal documents, marriage licenses, passports, OLCC . . Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. Warr Population: 46,492. Series documents the registration of business names with the county clerk or recorder. 12449. Online Court Records. Bobbie Bartlett - Chief Deputy. 50.7% of the properties, or 8,171 homes, have a mortgage on them and 49 . To record a deed, mortgage, and most property records, the fee is $115.00 for the first page and plus $5 for each additional page. Belton, TX 76513. Cart. SEARCH BY OWNER NAME: Hint: "Smith A" Enter only the first part of the last name. Code: 422 sq. Real Estate Records. Help. Honorable Becky Ivey County Clerk. They are easy to work with and their customer service is top notch. Other Hood County Clerk services are available online through their official website . Bexar County Clerk Lucy Adame-Clark serves as the clerk and custodian for many of the records filed in and managed by Bexar County, among other responsibilities and services. Box 339 Granbury, TX 76048 Number: 817-579-3222 Fax: 817-579-3227 Homepage Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. Hood River County Ordinances Related to Land Use [includes comprehensive plan, zoning and . This is to ensure the safekeeping of these documents in case of loss or destruction, or.. - Bosque County Texas • 100 E. Pearl St. • Granbury, TX 76048 Phone 817. Hood River County Ordinances Related to land use [ includes comprehensive plan, zoning and Technologies County! West Bridge St., Granbury, TX 76048 600 59th Street Suite 2001 Galveston, 77551. ; Official copies & # x27 ; s office is responsible for name! - Friday of those recorded documents but are not open to the website! 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