LEGO Batman cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3) Cheats Clown Goon Enter HJK327 as a code. Here is our complete walkthrough for Lego Batman 2. Batcave Codes - Unlockable Characters & Vehicles. LEGO Batman cheats & more for Wii (Wii) Cheats Silhouettes Enter YK4TPH as a code in the Batcave or the Arkham Asylum computer. Clown Goon Enter HJK327 as a code. 1. LEGO Batman: The Videogame Cheats For PlayStation 3. The Witcher 2 is an action RPG game for Xbox 360 and PC based on the works of author Andrzej Sapkowski. LEGO Batman Cheats, Cheat Codes & Hints. Get a "True Villain" rank on all levels in the Villain storyline. DS, PSP, Wii | Submitted by batfrank. Atrocitus. An Icy Reception Red Brick #2: The second Red Brick can be found before you . We have 7 cheats and tips on PS4. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. These LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. Climb the ladder at the top to access the Arkham level. . Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Lego Batman on the Playstation 3, with a game help system for those that are stuck Sat, 15 Sep 2018 13:00:15 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS HALF-PRICE MEMBERSHIPS! has all you need to win every game you play! Follow the steps on the screen. Tap Install. The guide covers all the collectibles in the game plus achievements. To reach the mission, go to right of the Batcomputer. Advertisement Select Enter Code. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing LEGO Batman on Playstation 2 platform. Unlock A Genius Scientist jfl786. 4LS32K: Redeem this cheat code to unlock Batgirl. North America Japan Europe Australia; PC: Sep 23, 2008: Sep 10, 2008: Sep 15, 2008: PS3: Sep 23, 2008: Oct 10, 2008: Oct 15, 2008: Xbox 360: Sep 23, 2008: Dec 18, 2008 Hush; Rescue all 25 citizens in the game. Play the game, and smash the cars with your hammer car to unlock the Red Brick X2. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing LEGO Batman on PSP platform. (supplied by: quuux) Get the best selection of LEGO Batman Cheats, Codes & Walkthrough/Guide/FAQ for Sony PSP from Cheat Code Central. 59 158 Batcave Codes - Unlockable Extras & Suit Upgrades Access the computer in the Batcave and enter the following passwords in the "Enter Code" menu. Atrocitus. To enter these codes, access the Bat Computer while in the Batcave. The Witcher 2. Enter LEA664 as a code. Batcave Codes - Unlockable Characters & Vehicles Access the computer in the Batcave and enter the following passwords in the "Enter Code" menu. If you have any cheats or tips for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham please send them in here. JN2J6V. All characters At the main menu, press X, Up, B, Down, Y, Left, Start, Right, R (2), L, R (2), Down (2), Up, Y (3), Start, Select to unlock all characters. LEGO Batman: The Videogame unlock Hush by rescuing all 25 hostages00:06 You Can Bank on Batman00:22 An Icy Reception01:01 A Poisonous Appointment01:19 The Fa. BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy) DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy) XWP645 - More Batarang Targets - (from the Batboat . This page contains LEGO Batman cheats list for Playstation 3 version. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Trainer (PATCH 03.31.2015) PREMIUM. Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the . To reach the mission, go to right of the Batcomputer. Bane. We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing LEGO Batman on Playstation 2 platform. Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for LEGO . Now we have 1 cheats in our list, which includes 1 cheats code. Unlockables from the McDonald's Toy Set Codes. To reach the mission, go to right of the Batcomputer. Climb the ladder at the top to access the Arkham level. ZGCEAJ. Go to the Batcave's main room, and fly up to the elevator with the Bat-logo to the left of the Batcomputer. Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Character Guide. You can also ask your question on our LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Questions & Answers page. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ. Corey Feldman Interview. When in the trophy room, fly to the far right to reach the studio set, which looks similar to the Wayne Manor study in the 1966 Batman TV show. Mad Hatter's Steamboat Enter M4DM4N as a code. When in the trophy room, fly to the far right to reach the studio set, which looks similar to the Wayne Manor study in the 1966 Batman TV show. Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy) DDP967 . Harley Quinn's Hammer Truck You can get it using a stealth character to . Regenerate Hearts. Bruce Wayne's Private Jet Enter LEA664 as a code. Batman: Arkham Asylum Guide. Now we have 4 cheats in our list, which includes 2 cheats codes, 1 password, 1 unlockable. ZAQ637 - Unlock Alfred Pennyworth JKR331 - Unlock Batgirl BDJ327 - Unlock Bruce Wayne We hope information that you'll find at this page help you in playing LEGO Batman on Playstation 3 platform. Unlockable. How to unlock. Download Promo Trainer. Enter the following codes in the "Enter Code" section under the "Extras" menu option. Enter these codes (provided by the Lego Batman toys at McDonald�s) at the cheat screen to unlock the following: Password - Effect. The Witcher 2. Go to the Batcave's main room, and fly up to the elevator with the Bat-logo to the left of the Batcomputer. You Can Bank On Batman Red Brick #1: The first Red Brick can be found during the final section of the fight with Clayface. Wayne Manor bonus level Get a "True Hero" rank on all levels in the Hero storyline. Alfred - ZAQ637. Daily Dispatch Videos So, these were all the Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes that you can use. Password. However, they carry all the sets I was looking for--Star Wars, Harry Potter, Disney Collection, etc. So the complete answer to this question: 1- Get Super Hero / Super Villain on ALL stories. If you have any cheats or tips for LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes please send them in here. Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Same Bat-Time! Now we have 3 cheats in our list, which includes 3 cheats codes. . Cheat Code Unlockables. +1 million Studs At the main menu, press X, Y, B (2), Y, X, L (2), R (2), Up, Down, Left, Right, Start, Select. Riddler's Jet. Score X10 Enter 18HW07 as a code in the Batcave or the Arkham Asylum computer. Contributed By: Jay FNG Philbrook, darrell15317 10 35. Bruce Wayne . Enter these codes (provided by the Lego Batman toys at McDonald's) at the cheat screen to unlock the following: Password - Effect. BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy) DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy) Batgirl - JKR331. Bat-Tank Enter KNTT4B as a code. By Head_Fish December 26, 2014 No Comments. Unlockables from the McDonald's Toy Set Codes Enter these codes (provided by the Lego Batman toys at McDonald's) at the cheat screen to unlock the following: Password - Effect BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy) DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy) XWP645 - More Batarang Targets - (from the Batboat toy) Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy) BDJ327. Lego Batman: The Videogame cheats, Codes, Easter Eggs, Unlockables, Tips, and Codes for PS2. To unlock the characters and vehicles below, insert the corresponding code into the in-game cheats menu. 5KKQ6G. Note: Unlocked characters are only available in Free Play mode. Now we have 3 cheats in our list, which includes 3 cheats codes. XZKLKQ: Redeem this cheat code to unlock Bane. To unlock a character you will need to find their token and then purchase it from the character menu. Turn left, and you will see a mini-game. This page contains LEGO Batman cheats list for PSP version. Contributed By: phermann1983, Just_a_loser,. APK Unlockables from the McDonald's Toy Set Codes. To unlock the characters and vehicles below, insert the corresponding code into the in-game cheats menu. The Genie has more LEGO Batman Cheats at Enter these codes (provided by the Lego Batman toys at McDonald s) at the cheat screen to unlock the following: Unlockable. Arkham bonus level. (NOTE: These codes . Also you can subscribe on all new cheats . LEGO Batman: The Videogame Cheats. Go down the ramp, and pull the lever to get to the villains. We have 2 cheats and tips on Nintendo DS. Also you can . The Joker's Van Enter JUK657 as a code. Aquaman. Also see Action Replay Codes for more Lego Batman: The Videogame cheat codes. Get the latest LEGO Batman cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). Wayne Manor bonus level Get a "True Hero" rank on all levels in the Hero storyline. Get more out of LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and enhance your gaming experience. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game . Invincibility We have 6 cheats and tips on XOne. While flying forward (and not in a level), quickly press A(2), then hold A to blast forward and fly at a super speed. JXN7FJ. Stud Magnet Enter LK2DY4 as a code in the Batcave or the Arkham Asylum computer. Unlockables from the McDonald's Toy Set Codes. Go through the door on the right and look in the corner to reach the memorabilia room. Must be 18 years or older to purchase online. Piece Detector Enter KHJ544 as a code. Go down the ramp and pull the lever to get to the villains. LEGO Batman 2 Vehicle Unlock. October 21, 2008 Cheat Codes: Enter one of the following codes at the computer in the Batcave or in Arkham Asylum at the hacked computer to activate the corresponding cheat function. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for LEGO Batman: The Videogame for PlayStation 3. Lego Dimensions is a Lego-themed action-adventure platform crossover video game developed by Traveller's Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox One and Xbox 360.It follows the toys-to-life format, in that the player has Lego figures and a toy pad that can be played within the game itself where it features characters and . V3GTHB. You can also ask your question on our LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Questions & Answers page. Alfred (Civilian) How to unlock: You must first collect 35 Gold Bricks to do this. On your Android phone, open the downloaded file LEGO ® Batman: Beyond Gotham_MOD_2..1.17.apk. We have 6 cheats and tips on Xbox 360. Alfred - ZAQ637 Bruce Wayne - BDJ327 Commissioner Gordon - DDP967 Mad Hatter - JCA283 Mr.. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Lego Batman on the Nintendo DS, with a game help system for those that are stuck Wed, 14 May 2014 03:32:19 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs 3DS Mad Hatter's Glider. You can find tokens throughout the hub worlds and there are three to be found in each level . EXTRAS: Code: Result: YK4TPH . ZGCEAJ: Redeem this cheat code to unlock Atrocitus. Go through the door on the right, and look in the corner to reach the memorabilia room. Jump to: Lego Batman 2 Unlockable Characters listed on Page 1: Alfred to Dick Grayson. Enter these codes at the main console computer in the Batcave to make red brick items available for purchase. ZGCEAJ. Go down the ramp, and pull the lever to get to the villains. LEGO Batman: The Videogame Cheats. ZAQ637 - Unlock Alfred Pennyworth JKR331 - Unlock Batgirl BDJ327 - Unlock Bruce Wayne Walkthrough: STEP#1: Go to the cheat thread and print off the list of cheats and plug . Climb the ladder at the top to access the Arkham level. …and while you're on the go, here's some codes to use on the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, and PlayStation Vita versions of the game. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham for Xbox Missing: fuel. Hey If you guys are planning to buy the LEGO Batman Games on the PC please consider Doing so using these links: Catwoman's Motorcycle Enter HPL826 as a code. Unlockables Arkham Bonus Level Get a "True Villain" rank on all levels in the Villain storyline. Character Codes. Goon Helicopter. Find the Remote Bat Computer near the police station. In addition to purchasing new characters to add to your playable roster using Studs that you've collected, you can also unlock them instantly using one of the codes . Super speed flying. The second installment in the RPG saga about the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, features a thoroughly engrossing, mature storyline defining new standards for thought-provoking, non-linear game narration. First Enter The Cheats Mode: To turn on cheat codes, you first have to be in-game in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. Lego Batman 2 Unlockable Characters listed on Page 1: Alfred to Dick Grayson. Super Build. Two-Face's Armored Truck Enter EFE933 as a code. Daily Dispatch; . 1. Enter these codes (provided by the Lego Batman toys at McDonald's) at the cheat screen to unlock the following: Effect. Despite the lack of humor and sometimes obstinate puzzles, Lego Batman can be really fun. Alfred (Civilian) How to unlock: You must first collect 35 Gold Bricks to do this. Our LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham +4 trainer is now available and supports RETAIL. BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne - (from Batman Batarang toy) DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy) XWP645 - More Batarang Targets - (from the Batboat . He can be found at the door of the Wayne Manor mansion (North Island) in Gotham City. They're entered in the Bat Cave at the big screen above where you can change Batman and Robin's costumes. Bat Tank - KNTT4B. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Go through the door on the right, and look in the corner to reach the memorabilia room. To use cheat codes in this game, you need to complete the following steps: Pause the game. To reach the mission, go to right of the Batcomputer. ZWQPJD: Redeem this cheat code to unlock Batman (Planet X, Zur-En-Arrh) In LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics universe and blasts off to outer space to stop the evil Brainiac from destroying Earth. If you have any cheats or tips for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham please send them in here. Ras Al Ghul; Complete all mini kits in the game. Unlockables from the McDonald's Toy Set Codes. Goon Helicopter Enter GCH328 as a code. LIFETIME OF LIFETIME PLUS ON SALE! Review Cheat mode. Those two don't even show up in the characters list until you've completed Wayne Manor and Arkham Asylum. Characters and Vehicles. Batman: Arkham Asylum reference Same Bat-Channel!" bonus level. However, to do so, you must explore the entire LEGO . Enter the following codes in the "Enter Code" section under the "Extras" menu option. Enter these codes (provided by the Lego Batman toys at McDonald�s) at the cheat screen to unlock the following: Password - Effect. After the installation is complete, you can open the application and experience as usual. If you have any cheats or tips for LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes please send them in here. Bane. There are 147 character tokens to collect throughout the game. Lego Batman 3 Vehicles Unlock In LEGO Batman 3, there are dozens of vehicles that you . The Character Token is inside. ©2022 The LEGO Group. Print these cheats. We also have cheats for this game on : 3DS: PC: PlayStation 3: PlayStation 4: Wii U: Xbox 360. Enter CHP735 as a code. Complete guide to Batman Arkham Asylum with the locations of all 51 riddles and how to get them. We also have cheats for this game on : PlayStation 3: Nintendo DS: 3DS: Vita: Wii: PC. V3GTHB. You already have free vehicles available to you, but in addition to these you can get many cooler, fancier ones. Add a code from the list above. Unlockable. Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham Cheat Codes. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham for Xbox 360. Same Bat-Channel!" bonus level. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT! If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game . Vine Grapples. Advertisement. This page contains LEGO Batman cheats list for Playstation 3 version. LEGO System A/S, DK-7190 Billund, Denmark. The second installment in the RPG saga about the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, features a thoroughly engrossing, mature storyline defining new standards for thought-provoking, non-linear game narration. (Also known as Easy Unlimited Money Cheat / Trick)It's a pretty Missing: fuel. Cheat Code Unlockables. If you didn't find needed cheats put request or ask question about this at special section of the game. Garbage Truck Enter DUS483 as a code. FLASH SALE IN OUR CH STORE! Seeing as how this was their Grand opening weekend, they had a lot of . All Lego Batman 3 cheat codes work for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, 3DS & PS Vita versions of this awesome Lego game. HS000W. Batman (Darkest Knight) In the bottom left corner of the Batcave is a small building protected by a security camera. Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Same Bat-Time! Armor Plating Enter N8JZEK as a code. Code. 1. Go through the door on the right, and look in the corner to reach the memorabilia room. LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Cheats For DS. More Batarang Targets - (from the Batboat toy) He can be found at the door of the Wayne Manor mansion (North Island) in Gotham City. The game has a ton of unlockables, from new characters to fancy costumes, which makes it well worth replaying. Also, the service was great and many of the workers went out of their way to help others find very specific sets. Next, during gameplay press pause. Enter them at the cheat menu to unlock the desired character: BDJ327 - Bruce Wayne - (Batman Batarang toy) DDP967 - Commissioner Gordon - (Joker Helicopter toy) XWP645 - More Batarang Targets -. Access the computer in the Batcave and enter the following passwords in the "Enter Code" menu. The Witcher 2 is an action RPG game for Xbox 360 and PC based on the works of author Andrzej Sapkowski. Click on Extras. Aquaman. For more help on Lego Batman 3, read our Adam West in Peril Locations, Unlock All Characters and Cheat Codes. Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham . The game was released in 2012 and is a sequel to Lego Batman: The Video Game, and is available on PC, Android, iOS, Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita, macOS, Nintendo 3DS, Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Cheat Codes list › Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is a lego-themed action-adventure game, in which you can play as your favorite DC superheroes in LEGO . Commissioner Gordon - (from the Joker Helicopter toy) DDP967. Get LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes trainer and cheats for PC. Go down the ramp, and pull the lever to get to the villains. HAHAHA. V3GTHB: Redeem this cheat code to unlock Aquaman. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, DUPLO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA, NINJAGO, BIONICLE, MINDSTORMS and MIXELS are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham for Nintendo 3DS. BDJ327. Simply bust open the bookshelves that you'll find on the left at the back after blowing open the fence and you'll pick up the first Red Brick. Also you can subscribe on all new cheats . 7 reviews of The LEGO Store "Compared to other Lego Stores I've been to, this is on the smaller side. Note: Before installing LEGO ® Batman: Beyond Gotham APK Mod, you need to uninstall the original version or . 18 years or older to purchase online to the villains U: Xbox One Unlockable! In LEGO Batman on PlayStation 3: Wii: PC characters & amp ; vehicles at lego batman unlockables of! For lego batman unlockables 360: 3DS: PC: PlayStation 3: PlayStation 4: Wii:! Each level lot of you need to uninstall the original version or list!, etc & quot ; True Hero & quot ; rank on all levels in the corner reach! Help you in playing LEGO Batman characters list, they had a lot of three be! Door of the Wayne Manor mansion ( North Island ) in Gotham City seeing How... 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