+. hermione1789 said: chapter 21. Ron sulks when he realises Viktor kissed Hermione. Due to Hermione and Krum's romance, Ron went crazy with jealousy. was also a prefect . Please, can we talk?" Twelve Kisses by La'Kisha Guerrant. The Harry and Hermione fans weren't happy with the last book - even though a Hermione/Ron relationship had been heavily hinted since Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Still though, we did technically get to see Harry and Hermione lock lips, which was exciting . Harry violates the Elder Wand in half at the end of the film. Missing Film Characters Charlie Weasley - Ron's second oldest brother who works with dragons in Romania Hermione meets Ron and Harry at the Hogwarts Express in her first year. One of their most explicit moments is their first kiss. She reached her room and slammed the door behind her. HaleyDewit said: You have to read it!You'll regret it if you don't :O. posted over a year ago. Harry Potter: 20 Things Hermione Did Between Deathly Hallows And Cursed Child. With her fist. 02:17. After Hermione punches Malfoy for making fun of Hagrid. This answer is: The two look pretty intimate and actually share a kiss while Harry is watching them, but the kiss isn't really anything special — in fact, it's pretty tame. In the last paragraph, it is said that H Hermione of Sicily, from William Shakespeare's 'A Winter's Tale.'. Lavender kisses Ron and Hermione is notably not happy. He could hear Hermione crying on the other side. - Harry Potter Next Generation. This is one of the most famous scenes of Deathly Hallows Part 2! When Hermione married Ron and became a part of the family, she gained not only a husband but 11 other brothers and sisters in law! Enjoy! Scene from the Deathly Hallows book, where Ron, after destroying one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, has a vision of Hermione kissing Harry, thus choosing his best friend over . Hermione and Ron's first kiss vote votes. "G'night Harry, Malfoy." Hermione waved at them and they left. Ron stood on the landing. Although this goes a bit differently than its depiction in the book (Harry is there, asking, "Really? When Ron and Hermione were sitting next to the pub waiting for Harry to come out they sat on the bench. Still, it . vote votes. She possessed a brilliant academic mind and proved to be a gifted student . 6 Tom Was Emma's First Crush. 53. Ron was pointing Snape and said "you got a good look." Dumbledore stood drunkenly and roared at Ron because he was enraged by Ron's mouth words. Hermione's first kiss was with Fred Weasley the I. If you want to know more about why their parents gave them exactly those names, what is the origin of their names, as well as who Rose and Hugo really are, find out in our article. In the film, it happens when Ginny takes Harry to the Room of Requirement to hide the Half Blood Prince's potions book. "Yeah, that's what I think," Ron replied, not backing down for a second. We can't order them to die for us —" There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione's arms. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry, Ron, and Hermione head to a pub, the Three Broom Sticks. Ron ignored all the gawking faces and raced up the girls' stairs trying to catch her. Ron and Hermione finally have their first kiss, drenched in water, moments after defeating a horcrux. Ron, who has long burned . Conversely though, Hermione was an only child so there was no brother or sister in law for Ron. Hermione Granger might be Ron Weasley's soulmate, but the same cannot be said about Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. Hepzibah happily said "this is my friend James Potter." Ron & Hermione, Deathly Hallows - Part 2. 1. At the age of eleven, she learned about her magical nature and was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you love the Ron/Hermione relationship, you'll find so many more moments besides the kiss! Sorry to be glib- but the answer is 'of course not.' He was consistently horrible to her, so she never so much as viewed him as someone who could be trusted, and certainly not someone who could be a romantic interest to her. She opened her eyes. The first few minutes between Ron and . Hermione's got the sensitivity and maturity that's been left out of Ron, and Ron loosens up Hermione a bit, gets her to have some fun," the author explained. 1. Trivia Quiz. The signs were there from the beginning. Her heart quietly breaks as he spends the year as 'Won-Won'. She first appears in the novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997), as a new student on her way to Hogwarts.After Harry and Ron save her from a mountain troll in the girls' restroom, she becomes best friends with them . which made Ron feel awful about his behavior for the first time . Answer (1 of 61): Harry was an emotional wreck after the trauma of being forced to witness the murder of Cedric Diggory, the rebirth of Voldemort and the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, calling into question Harry's sanity (based on the lurid, covertly written articles by Rita Skeeter). "I have to go," she whispered. When before he had idolized Krum to the point that Ron's brothers teased him for being in love with Krum, later he began to despise the legendary Seeker. This is the kiss we had all been waiting for, and it turns out to be as epic as we had hoped. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Hermione could feel Draco's manhood hardening already against her tummy, that made her moan against his kisses. Nomen est omen and etymology. 2. Hermione has lamented this on more than one occasion. The fifth book from Hermione's POV. 1. She smiled and lent up on her tip toes to press a quick kiss against his check. In a twisted way, that would be crueler than betraying Lavender in the first place. One day, he decided grow his hand for Ron, his best friend from Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Answer: Harry Potter didn't kiss Hermione, but Ron and Harry saw a false vision (created by one of Voldemort's horcruxes), where Harry and Hermione did kiss. 16. . they looked into each others eyes and kissed. 3. romione. 'Ron, I love you!'. Answer (1 of 34): She did! Is that what you think?" she screamed regarding a snide comment Ron had made about Viktor's age. Read Hermione Granger from the story Mudblood No More by themarauders4ever with 5,197 reads. She told Seventeen magazine that Tom Felton was her first-ever crush. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Everybody thinks that the kiss in outside the Room Of Requirement was Ron and Hermione's first kiss. Copy. So with that in mind, here are five reasons why Viktor Krum was the better choice for Hermione, and five reasons why Ron was the perfect . Her. Ron's last moment in both the books and movies shows him and Hermione bringing their children to the Hogwarts Express 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts. The earliest signs of romance appeared in Chamber of Secrets . Hermione tugged at Ron's sweater, looking up at him with brown eyes. So, why did it take so long for them to be an item? ∙ 2011-03-23 17:18:51. Chapter 1: Yule Ball Kiss Chapter Text. They were arguing about her date, Viktor Krum. Yule Ball Kiss. There's the fact that we all had to wait for so long to get here, through all those years of bickering and dating other people. Ron gently knocked. Completed. Hermione grabbed Ron's neck and kissed harder and more passionate than ever. What you don't know is that Ron and Hermione have been sharing kisse. Completed. 186K 3.2K 13. Harry breaks the Elder Wand in half at the end of the film. posted over a year ago. Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities!". Till now. When they're at platform nine and three-quarters. Ron was always a product of his environment. 6 They're Best Friends. Hermione began attending Hogwarts in 1991 and was Sorted into Gryffindor House. With Harry by their side, they are simply besties, and that's probably the best way to begin a relationship. Right on the mouth! When do Ron and Hermione become friends? she is Muggle - born. 6th Year: Kiss of the Fire: star.flash.17: T: 2k+ somewhat fluffy one-shot of Ron and Hermione before the start of the war. Romione is the het ship between Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter fandom. 03. It's a heat of the moment leap . Upon striking the cup, a giant water monster emerges from the chamber, chasing the two until it finally. Ron and Hermione are one of the central couples of Harry Potter, but their budding relationship definitely had its ups and downs. Ron drinks the juice, and Hermione, assuming it was Felix Felicis that Harry slipped into Ron's drink, admonishes Harry. While they survey their surroundings, Harry spots Ginny in a corner booth with Dean. Click to see full answer. weasleyismykong540. Table of Contents show. Click to see full answer. Right on the mouth! But there almost was. As soon as the penis came out, Hermione grabbed it. In the book Harry and Ginny's first kiss is really amazing. Book . And Hermione's muteness when Ron left. Hermione said "um hey Ron i just wanted to thank you for saving me and everyone last year you know from being petrified." "No problem mate said Ron. Ron and Hermione's First Kiss Source I mean we should tell them [house-elves] to get out. What? Lily never told anyone, but she could never get over how much happier her aunt looked after her surprise . The next morning at breakfast, Harry hands Ron a cup of pumpkin juice, but Hermione notices that Harry is holding a small glass vial in his other hand. Hermione Jean Granger (/ h ɜːr ˈ m aɪ ə n i ˈ ɡ r eɪ n dʒ ər / hur-MY-ə-nee GRAYN-jər) is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Twelve Kisses by La'Kisha Guerrant. member of Dumbledore's Army . His final line in the movie is, "Here they come," which he says as Harry, Ginny, and their children approach them on Platform 9 3/4. Draco and Hermione just continued kissing, their bodies pressed firmly against each other. "No," Hermione admitted almost immediately. During her time on the set of Harry Potter, Emma developed a crush on bad boy Draco Malfoy. Still, the story makes it clear that true love can only come from your heart — and no spell or potion can replace it. We don't want any more Dobbies, do we? Murmering Hermione's name as he recovers in the hospital from a near-fatal poisoning. Yes, Harry's the actual protagonist, but without Hermione, he would've died in The Philosopher's Stone itself. Hermione, enraged that Lavender could possibly kiss Ron in front of everybody, runs out of the common room, tears falling hard down her cheeks. It was written on the walls, (but not like that weird thing Ginny did under the trance of Voldemort in her first year). Hermione meets Ron in the first book of the series, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," when he and Harry save her from a mountain troll. "That was bloody brilliant!". "Thank you for helping me miss. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and what it means. Yes, it turns out to be a dream. A Break Down of Ron and Hermione's Relationship When Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger finally got together, we were all relieved. J.K. Rowling confirmed that there were certain "charged moments" where things could have gone a . HBP. after they destroy the Horcrux. Answer (1 of 34): She did! Among the many moments fans cheered for from the franchise's final chapter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, was the epic first kiss between Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma . The classic love/hate relationship, Ron and Hermione have so many moments, some more hidden than others. 186K 3.2K 13. The aroused penis finally came out after 50 long and sex filled hours. Minister Hermione Jean Granger (b. When they were at last too tired to kiss anymore, Hermione rose off the bed. "But, tomorrow." He said, looking down at Hermione. Ron and Hermione had two children - a daughter Rose Granger-Weasley, and a son Hugo Granger-Weasley. Hermione Gladstone, a childhood friend of J.K. Rowling. In the book, their kiss happens in Chapter 24 - Sectumsempra of Half Blood Prince, right after Gryffindor wins the Quidditch cup. Hermione, the daughter of Menelaus and Helen of Troy. When Hermione agrees to do the Polyjuice Potion. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. No, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger never kiss or sleep with each other, neither in the books nor in any of the movies. From where did author J.K. Rowling derive Hermione's name? See answer (1) Best Answer. She said. "Hermione, please, I'm sorry. By Rose Graceling-Moore Published Apr 15, 2021 Ron and Hermione are a controversial couple in the Harry Potter franchise, with many fans furious that the two end up married with children in the final scene. The three become a tight-knit group, with Ron and Hermione bickering a . She heard a bang. But still. "WHAT?! Even . The night before the game, Harry has an idea about how to make Ron lucky. Alright, let's be honest - without Hermione, everything in Harry Potter would have fallen apart. pottermore.com. 1. Today she is 29, and has starred in 21 movies in total, 17 since Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was released. Hermione doesn't understand why he is so mean to her. Percy is quite much present in the Battle of Hogwarts. hermione jean granger - weasley - Ron Weasley's wife and only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Granger. 19 September, 1979) was an English Muggle-born witch born to Mr and Mrs Granger. Below are the five Ron and Hermione moments I wish had been kept as how they were portrayed in the books. A summary of Part X (Section4) in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Yule Ball Kiss Hermione Granger was furious as she stormed next to Ron Weasley out of the Yule Ball. Centered around HBP. Hermione Granger was furious as she stormed next to Ron Weasley out of the Yule Ball. Draco e. weasleyismykong540. Following the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, all the romantic relationships of the series were finally resolved. she . I mean, she was the glue that held that trio together. Hermione's first kiss was with Fred Weasley the I & the only reason Lily knew was because see saw it when her aunt helped her learn how to occlumency. In the American version of Harry Potter Ron and Hermiones first kiss is on page 625. This is the time I should tell him, she thought. She and Ron quickly develop a mutual annoyance, but become friends after Ron insults her and she is endangered by a troll, which Harry and Ron save her from. 4. Ron mouthed soundlessly like a goldfish out of water as Hermione turned on her heel and stormed up the girls' staircase to bed. But in the book, he uses it to fix his wand, and then returns it to Dumbledore's grave. Draco started growling when Hermione placed her hand on his backside, then squeezed one cheek. When they're on the train to Hogwarts. Ron instinctively veiled his rock cakes. Hermione said "um hey Ron i just wanted to thank you for saving me and everyone last year you know from being petrified." "No problem mate said Ron. Unlike other couples, like Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) whom we see develop consistently throughout the franchise, Harry and Ginny's relationship is a bit lackluster. Of the three main characters in the Harry Potter universe, Hermione has to be the most important. was very passionate about her magical studies, and was the best student in her year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the book, Hermione and Ron's first kiss is in-front of Harry. her feet. 02:17. " Hermione: Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled. He never meant to upset her. After fighting the mountain troll. Press Sorry to be glib- but the answer is 'of course not.' He was consistently horrible to her, so she never so much as viewed him as someone who could be trusted, and certainly not someone who could be a romantic interest to her. In the book, Ron and Hermione do go to the chamber, but Harry learns about this when they all meet at the Room of Requirement (also the location of Ron and Hermione's first kiss). How far can a first kiss go? Another scene the movie added was Voldemort taking down Hogwarts' protection shield and breaking the Elder Wand in the process. - Albus . Everybody thinks that the kiss in outside the Room Of Requirement was Ron and Hermione's first kiss. Ron acquired a book for his 17th birthday and was intent on using what he learned from it to actively seduce Hermione. But in the book, he uses it to repair his wand and then returns it to Dumbledore's tomb. But he doesn't pay much attention to her because he's jealo Brave Hermione makes the first move on Ron twice. "They love each other and they . fangs cascaded out of Hermione's arms. Hint. Oh, Ron! Ron, however, did. What you don't know is that Ron and Hermione have been sharing kisse. We learned of the pair getting hitched in . And this time, Hermione did not fight him one bit. !I DO NOT OWN THIS!! . RON & HERMIONE'S FAMILY. Harry is baffled by the entire thing. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 When Ron and Hermione were sitting next to the pub waiting for Harry to come out they sat on the bench. "Oh, to be young and to feel love's keen sting.". In the morning that followed, the next chapter opened with this melancholic moment suggesting Hermione and Ron had fallen asleep holding hands in the aftermath of a terrible evening. Chapter 1. Here are some more of my personal favorite Ron/Hermione moments. Though Ron and Hermione may be attracted to each other from the beginning, and though they may argue and bicker, their friendship is real. At Bill and Fleur's wedding, they danced together, prompting Krum to ask whether they were together. The simply fact is that Harry 'chose' to honor it. Hermione of Ephesus, a Christian martyr. The story had endless references to Ron's interest in Hermione and their eventual realization that they were meant for each other. This wasn't a REAL kiss — it was a Horcrux projection of Ron's worst fears, designed to torture him. His heart was breaking. Some "Harry Potter" Scenes Just Hit Different In The Books — Do You Prefer These Iconic Scenes In The Movies Or In The Books? Hermione still pressed against Ron's chest as they walked, Ron holding her there . Unfortunately, Ron messes it up by kissing Lavender, but it was still one of the first moments in their growing relationship. But Ron has grown a LOT in this last book. Although this goes a bit differently than its depiction in the book (Harry is there, asking,. they looked into each others eyes and kissed. That feels so good!'. Ron and Hermione's First Kiss There's so much to love about this kiss. HaleyDewit posted over a year ago. Wish fulfillment for JKR, logic and character development be damned. Ron vs. Snape Hermione and Ron enter the Chamber of Secrets to destroy a Horcrux, aided by a basilisk fang. Wiki User. But, there is one scene that might cause confusion. neck and kissed him full on the mouth. romione. Throughout both the Harry Potter films and books, viewers wondered when . I DO N. The first time Ron ever realized he had feelings for Hermione was in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. When the Death Eater's attacked Bill and Fleur's wedding, Harry, Ron and Hermione retreated to Grimmauld Place after a horrendous night escaping Voldemort's followers. She knew Harry was following her. Ron and Hermione finally have their first kiss, drenched in water, moments after defeating a horcrux. Emma Watson looks back on Ron and Hermione's big kissing scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2 as "the most horrifying thing anyone one of us had to go through." It was made . But, no, she couldn't, thought Hermione. From his laziness, to his casual prejudices, to even his resentment and tendency toward jealousy from being sidelined his entire life. One of the most important moments in the development of Ron and Hermione's relationship occurs in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1, when the Horcrux the group has been carrying shows . With her fist. true! 5thYear: Getting to the Point: Arabella: T: sequel to Never as a Last Resort . She initially asks him to Slughorn's party, finally putting the built-up tension between the two into words. . !It shows Ron and Hermione finally kissing!! Satisfied with her answer, Ron resumed kissing her. 00:00. To Hermione Granger, the boy she met on the Hogwarts Express was Harry Potter, a nice, The Weasley family is a large family. For some unknown reason, she wanted to go back, to Harry. These are 11 alternative kissing moments that Ron and Hermione could have shared, from Goblet of Fire through Deathly Hallows. !Enjoy in DVD Quality! Ron and Hermione might be endgame, but the actors behind the iconic characters weren't exactly excited about their big kiss. PLAY SOUND. Draco e. Hermione and Ron's first kiss is in front of Harry from the book after they ruin the Horcrux. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, which opened Friday, features a nude scene between Hermione and Harry. Ron, he saw, was now holding Hermione and stroking her hair while she sobbed into his shoulder, tears dripping from the end of his own long nose.
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