Guarded, analytical and tirelessly philosophical, Remus Lupin offered the best portrayal of an INTP that J.K. Rowling was willing to give us throughout the Harry Potter series. Hermione was known to be very ambitious and curious. Only The Most Brilliant Minds Can Ace This Master 'Harry Potter' Character Test. Learn more. Call us Today! And if you get an undesirable character, just retake the quiz! The year of birth for Lily and James Potter is revealed in tragic circumstances when Harry and Hermione visit their grave at Godric's Hollow in The Deathly Hallows. Even if you're not Frasier, you'll be one of the show's most loved cast members. Kayla Yandoli. . Take this fun quiz to find your Harry Potter soulmate! with great effort. Whether it's one of the heroes like Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the teachers like Dumbledore, Snape, Hagrid, or the villains like Voldemort, Bellatrix, and Malfoy, this quiz will tell you which character you're most alike! You are most likely to be the troublemaker of the class and teachers don't exactly like you. If people want, I will make another one of these with other characters in the show. Considering that it's both July (Harry Potter Month) and National Junk Food Day, we've created the ultimate test that will determine which Harry Potter character you are based on your junk food preferences. Lily and James Potter in the Mirror of Erised. Play this quiz and find out which of the male Harry Potter characters you are most like. by hattiemad. You don't have many friends but you do have followers, so there's a start. Which Harry Potter book is your favorite? Questions and Answers. Hermione Granger. Noah Mayfield. 3. 1,529 takers Report. If you are into a good sense of humor, Ron would be a good match for you. by 25nordhaugen. For Dudley Dursley's eleventh birthday on 23 June 1991, he, his family, and Harry Potter visited this part of the zoo. Which Harry Potter Character Are You? He is known as the funny one of the group and is also someone who deeply loves his family. Ron Weasley plays a major role in the series and is one of Harry Potter's best friends. Play this quiz and find out which of the male Harry Potter characters you are most like. Answer the questions truthfully to find out your best match. Harry Potter quiz. From the beautiful Hermione Granger to the attractive Cedric Diggory, which character were you falling in love with inside the Hogwarts halls? James Potter & Lily Potter's Birthdays - 27 March & 30 January 1960. Remus and Nymphadora Lupin. It's time to find out who you really are! . Are you the Brave Harry Potter, the Loyal Ronald Weasley or the Genius Hermione Granger? Leo is one of the boldest and strongest signs in the zodiac, so they can actually relate to Harry Potter in that way. We're not testing your potions or transfiguration knowledge. Scroll to Start Quiz Choose a role model: Harry Potter Sirius Black Lord Voldemort Arthur Weasley Advertisement What blood type are you? 790 points. Each of the breadcrumbs you leave will lead us right to the "Frasier" character you're most like at heart. You raise your wand and yell " Expecto Patronum! We've encountered people like Luna Lovegood, a smart yet quirky Ravenclaw student, Draco Malfoy, an ambitious and entitled Slytherin student and Fred Weasley, a charming yet mischievous red-headed member of Gryffindor, but which one of them will be your match? by 25nordhaugen. Log in to Reply. Call us Today! Learn more. Community Contributor. Receive a hint after watching this short video from our sponsors. This quiz will tell you the answer to that question and who you closely resemble in the magical world of . 2k followers . In addition, you're a fire sign, so you need someone strong . Don't be mad if you get an unwanted result. Arthur and Molly Weasley. Which Male 'Harry Potter' Character Are You Secretly In Love With? Harry Potter. Neville Longbottom. harry potter life quiz long results roleplay. If you got Ginny on our quiz, chances are you are a tough and independent person. Books Fantasy & Mythology Harry Potter Marauders Atyd Hp Character Weasleys. 214 takers Report. Build your Harry Potter character and see what your life would be like, with detailed scenarios. We want to dream with you about all your future holds. Accio! 8. Still, he is ranked as the best Harry Potter character as his personality evolved tremendously from the first movie to the last. It's Time To Find Out What Combination Of A Pixar Character, "Harry Potter" Character, And "Supernatural" Character You Are. Add to library 2 » Discussion 1 » Follow author » . Play Again. She loved to read and often used the knowledge that she had learned to help solve problems. Luna Lovegood. 1. But this quiz isn't about which character you are, but which one your true love is! MORE QUIZZES Tell Us If You Recognize These Stars And We'll Guess How Long Ago You Graduated High School. QUIZ: Which Harry Potter Character Are You? Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and many, many more! That last bit brings us back to our quiz here. 1 (678) 280-9048 | cordless water pump for fountain Kind, compassionate, and loyal, Ron shares several traits with the sign of the crab. I don't have to do anything that I don't want to do so no, I won't touch the tree. 1 (678) 280-9048 | cordless water pump for fountain Aries, you are fiery, passionate, bold, and need someone that isn't going to stand in your way. The Last Four "Harry Potter" Movies Were Hella Dark, But *Filled* With Magical Details That Are Beyond Brilliant. Create a post and earn points! You've got your own charms, too, and in this quiz we'll match you to the HP character that most closely shares your winning traits and personality. Yes, there is a death-eater for those who follow Voldemort. Hope you have your copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them handy. Create a post and earn points! Which Hogwarts boy in the cutest? Choose The Cast In A Movie About Your Life And We'll Reveal The Ending . If You Can Name 11/20 Of These "Harry Potter" Spells, You'd Easily Make It To Your 7th Year Of Hogwarts . You are dark and mysterious. Lol, I got Harry too. 1. Sirius Black. This game spices things up because a correct answer doesn't mean a good thing!. Every dinner party choice you make gives away something about your personality. The London Zoo reptile house was the part of the London Zoo where reptiles were kept in London, England. Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. Who's your least favorite Harry Potter character? From Harry Potter to Luna Lovegood to Sir Nearly Headless Nick (yes, he's really in there!) Lupin desired a logical solution for everything and despaired when logic failed him - his decision to marry Tonks, for example, was one that he deeply regretted after . James and Lilly Potter. We want you to look inward and explore new and interesting things about yourself. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Lada Khramova 28169 Harry Potter is a story about friendship, strength, and magic adored by many. Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team. Let's find out if the answer surprises you! You might have dreamed about which character you would be most like. Professor, Dementor or Muggle - Which Harry Potter Character are You? Harry James Potter is a fictional character and the titular protagonist in J. K. Rowling's series of eponymous novels.The majority of the books' plot covers seven years in the life of the orphan Harry, who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard.Thus, he attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to practise magic under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore . Are you Hermione or Ginny? J. K. Her estimated net worth is just shy of $1 billion. The best-selling series tells the story of a young bo Not everyone will agree with this one, mostly because Neville was a background character and served as comic relief for much of the franchise. More sensitive than he lets on, he's always willing to help when someone is in a bad . Cedric Diggory. Hope you enjoy! Next Quiz. They even have their own streaming service called Disney+, where you can watch different movies from each . 790 points. Maybe you went with one of the dynamic trio, Harry, Ron or Hermione because they were seemingly the ones who were the most important to the story. BuzzFeed Quiz Party! If you are, you can discover which female character you would be out of seven people: Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Cho, Lavender, Bellatrix, and Winky. Which Harry Potter character are you? An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works "I think I'll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up - it always does in the end.". Ginny Weasley. Zoo. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Quiz Harry Potter . Zimbio Quizzes. Take our Harry Potter character test and find out! Our main heros, Ron, Harry and Hermione often crop up in these quizzes, but what about the less well known ones? Community Contributor. Ginny Weasley. The Harry Potter franchise is full of incredible characters. We don't discriminate. Aries: Hermione Granger (Virgo) Giphy. Take this quiz to find out. Harry Potter characters In the Harry Potter universe, there are so many different characters. quit. You'd be lying if you say you never wondered. 1 (678) 280-9048 | cordless water pump for fountain Ginny Weasley. If you're looking for even more quizzes about this . . Fred and George Weasley. She enjoys hurting, so if you were as sentimental as the Pisces or the Cancers, you'd make her have a good time while she tortures you. 8. Who was your favorite married couple in Harry Potter? harry potter fanatic says: May 22, 2021 at 8:22 am . After doing an intense amount of research, I have made an accurate quiz to determine what Harry Potter character you are most similar to. "You really are the brightest witch for your age." Luna Lovegood. Let's play. Ginny was played by Bonnie Wright and appeared in every one of the Harry Potter films. Chocolate Zucchini Layer Cake with Matcha Cream Cheese Frosting {gluten-free} Ginny Weasley. Approved and edited by BuzzFeed Community Team. Books Love & Friendship Harry Potter Character Love Harry Potter Love Harry Potter Husband Harry Potter Romance. Harry Potter. Just Plan A Summer Vacation To Find Out. Luna Lovegood. samsung trade-in address; cheap individual sports; pintabian star stable; creamy cold brew coffee Draco Malfoy. You can even be Dobby if you want to, it has loads of characters. But by being so methodical you make this villain hate you from day one. You can hear your previous enemy cackle as he runs away. The first book in her series, it introduced the world to characters like Harry, Hermione and Ron. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Her name, by the way, is actually Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter. Ron Weasley. Learn how they made Hagrid so bid in the Harry Potter films. 15. But Harry is a bit reserved and reluctant to take his place as the hero of the wizarding world, so he would actually enjoy someone like Leo, who takes a lot of pride and glory in their accomplishments. Harry Potter characters. We want you to laugh at past memories that helped shape the person you've become. Dudley got excited when he . He was frustrated at the fact that the boa constrictor wouldn't move until Harry made it move, discovering he speaks Parseltongue while doing so. The basilisk (which for most of the novel is referred to simply as "the monster" because people do not know what it is) Feb 26, 2018 - We all love the Harry Potter books, but do You-Know-Who you are? Best of luck! I thought I was going to get Fred or George Weasley. Neville wears the same clothes as his dad in the Battle of Hogwarts. Add to library 2 » Discussion . He dodges your spell, and with a menacing grin, he points behind you. From steadfast Neville Longbottom and brainy Hermione Granger to brave Harry Potter and misunderstood Severus Snape, reading about these characters taught us so much about other people and ourselves. 7. Ever heard of iconic films like "The Lion King," "Frozen" and "The Little Mermaid?" Founded in 1923, the media giant who brought us these classics specializes in both animated and live-action films, as well as TV shows, clothing and toys. The infamous, unavoidable question!! Obsessed with travel? Written by Kimia Madani. Ron Weasley. Leave a Comment! Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. The V-Man (Voldemort) You got Voldemort, AKA V-man. This quiz is guaranteed to satisfy both your love of the sweet and the magical—and that's a herbology-based fact! You whip around to see a dementor, dark and gloomy, gliding toward you and extending a long finger that reeks of sadness and death. Find out who you would be in the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. To begin, simply repeat, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Our hope is our quizzes and articles inspire you to do just that. It's short, but accurate. Regarding the death, Harry Potter indicates that it is a natural process, which usually occurs unexpectedly. Hermione Granger. I just wanted to get the main characters before I moved on to the side characters. Question of If you were to win the Elder wand, what would you do with it? Actor: Matthew Lewis. Zimbio. Which Harry Potter Female Character Are You? What did you get? Good Evil We all have a bit of both inside of us 7 Virgo: Bellatrix Lestrange. Hermione Granger Hermione Granger is one of the main characters of the entire series and is one of Harry Potter's best friends. 8. You are also dark and gloomy. She was a gifted student at Hogwarts and was known for her intelligence. ford fleet trucks for sale near me. Ron Weasley. 8 Leo: Harry Potter. Call us Today! Harry James Potter is a fictional character and the titular protagonist in J. K. Rowling's series of eponymous novels.The majority of the books' plot covers seven years in the life of the orphan Harry, who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard.Thus, he attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to practise magic under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore . Hermione Granger. Pure Blood Half Blood Mud Blood Advertisement Good or Evil? (Updated In 2022) tip She serves as the main love interest for Harry Potter for most of the series. Books Just For Fun Harry Potter Harry Potter Hogwarts Wizard Hermione Ron. Once Harry finds the entry-way passage. There are many characters in the world of Harry Potter. We want you to look outward and marvel at the world around you. Harry Potter quizzes are amazing. The Sorting Hat might be able to distinguish people's personalities into Slytherin . It's strange, but it's true. It is very scary to watch and suffer when some of the loved ones dies. Which one is most like you, though? Argentina Brazil Mexico Colombia J. K. Rowling She has donated over 10 million pounds to research at the University of Edinburgh, currently has her CH, her OBE, her HonFRSE, her FRCPE, and her FRSL. Which one are you? These characters also find themselves in some pretty serious conversations just as much as they're in situations that celebrate their friendship and accomplishments. 9 Cancer: Ron Weasley. BuzzFeed Quiz Party! "The Order of the Phoenix." "The Chamber of Secrets." "The Goblet of Fire." "The Prisoner of Azkaban." Advertisement. Add to library 1 Discussion 14. 8. Which of the many characters from the Harry Potter series are you destines to be with? The familiarity with Harry Potter's character also provides with an opportunity to answer the question about death, which is of primary concern to many people. 2 Comments. While it may seem that Bellatrix despises everyone, she actually hates you more. There is no doubt that he would have you constantly laughing. Everyone's Personality Matches A Magical Creature From "Harry Potter" - Here's Your Match. In 1997, J. K. Rowling released her first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Featured Images . In the Harry Potter universe, there are plenty of different characters. Each Harry Potter character has their charms - and we're not referring to the subject at Hogwarts. Do you know everyone from the movies? build your Harry Potter life (long results) March 21, 2021 Evggg.
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